Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 122:1 and following. Indeed, the Love that the Israelite feels for Jerusalem is the image of the Christian’s desires and affections for the Assembly, dear to the heart of Christ. Is it with joy that, from now on, we go to the place where He promised His presence, in order to celebrate His Name? Let’s keep the promise in verse 6: “Those who love you will prosper.” Love for the Assembly is a source of spiritual prosperity. How does this love manifest itself? Praying for his peace; seeking his good in every way (verses 6 to 9). “Peace be within your walls”: let’s not forget that security is ensured by the separation of the world represented by the wall.

For Psalm 123 teaches us about dependence. The faithful raise their eyes to their God in the feeling that all resources are in Him (2 Ch 20:10-13). He has no rights to it; everything is grace. From men, what should he expect? He may be overly satiated with the contempt and insults of those who are at ease here on earth (1 Cor 4:9-13). But if He is able to endure these things, it is because He directs the gaze of His faith to His Savior in heaven (Ps 141:5-10). Soon this faith will be changed in sight. Today satiated with opprobrium, tomorrow he will be satisfied with His image (Ps 17:14-15). 

This hymn may have been composed to express the feelings of the worshippers going to the solemn convocations; but it was suitable for the captives rising from Babylon, who, in the previous psalm, looking forward, relied on God’s care during their journey and now contemplate the end of the journey and the house of jehovah found. He can thus be the language of every renewed soul looking at the heavenly Jerusalem. And certainly it will be appropriately found in the mouth of the residue afflicted in its distresses of the last days. Then in verses 3-5 the psalmist paints the view of the city that delighted the eyes of the viewer, remembers the ancient glories when Jerusalem was the rallying point for united worship and the seat of the Davidic monarchy, and finally pours out patriotic exhortations to love Jerusalem and prayers for its peace and prosperity.

‘I am in joy when I am told’.  God had often told Moses that his sanctuary would one day have a fixed and fixed place of residence; yet, in Moses’ time, for more than a thousand years, the Ark of the Covenant had been transported from one place to another, as if it had been in a state of pilgrimage. Finally, it was revealed to David that The Mountain of Zion was the place where God would install His ark and build His temple. Now, as David himself received this revelation with great joy, so he says that he was happy to find the whole people in agreement with it. This circumstance was not duly taken into account, and the consequence is that the interpreters gave the unfortunate translation.  Mais we can understand the meaning: I was happy with the things that were said to me.

For David testifies that he felt in his heart a double joy when he observed that all the people agreed to yield obedience to the oracle who declared that the Mountain of Zion was the place that God had chosen for his solemn worship. Through this example, we learn that our joy, in the same way, must be doubled, when God, through His Holy Spirit, not only frames each of us in the obedience of His word, but also produces the same effect on others, so that we can be united together in the same faith. Human nature is so stubborn and rebellious that the vast majority of humanity invariably whispers against God every time He speaks. So we don’t have a small reason for rejoicing when everyone harmoniously aligns with us on God’s side. As translated, ‘with those who have told me’, deduce this meaning: I take pleasure in the company of those who draw me to the service of God, and offer themselves to me as companions, so that we can go together to the sanctuary. But from the second verse, it will be even more evident that the joy David speaks of came from seeing the people, with the obedience of faith, giving their consent to the pronunciation of the heavenly oracle, respecting the place chosen to be the legal and permanent place of the ark of the covenant.

For the sake of my brothers and neighbours’.  He specifies two reasons why he felt a concern for the Church, with the aim of encouraging, by his example, all the faithful to exercise the same care.  For inarming the wicked, he could be the object of suspicion, or at least risk being slandered; as if, in congratulating Jerusalem, he had an eye more on his own particular advantage than on the public good. In order, therefore, to suppress any ground for objection, that in speaking in this way he skillfully strove to establish his own kingdom, he protests that he is not influenced by personal considerations, but by a concern for the whole Church; whom he embraced with sincere affection of heart. I will speak, he said, O Jerusalem! of your peace, not because it will be beneficial to me or to mine, but because your prosperity will extend to all the children of God; for under the term brothers he undoubtedly includes all the believers he mades, because the worship of God, far from remaining whole, would go to ruin, if Jerusalem did not remain standing.

Because of the house of Jehovah our God.’  In this verse, he adds a second reason why he cared about the Church.  Ifit is “the pillar and foundation of truth,” the consequence of its destruction must be the extinction of true piety. And if the body is destroyed, how can each of the members not be involved in the destruction? Later, this passage teaches us that the Church is not an empty title, but must be sought where true religion prevails.  Thus, althoughthe wicked have rejected and overturned the doctrine of the gospel, they nevertheless boast of the name of the Church.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Wishes for peace for Jerusalem:

·         Joy, examples of

2 Ch 30:21 Thus the children of Israel who were in Jerusalem celebrated the feast of unleavened bread for seven days with great joy; and every day the Levites and priests praised the Lord with the instruments that resounded in his honor.  Ps 4:8 You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and must abound.  Acts 2:46 They were all together assiduous in the temple every day, breaking bread in the houses, and taking their food with joy and simplicity of heart, Acts 11:23 When he arrived, and saw God’s grace, he rejoiced, and exhorted them all to remain with a firm heart attached to the Lord.

·         Sacred places

Dt 12:5 But you will seek Him in His abode, and you will go to the place where Jehovah your God will choose from among all your tribes to place His name there.  Josh 9:27, but he intended them from that day to cut the wood and draw water for the congregation, and for the altar of the Lord in the place that jehovah would choose: what they still do today.  2 Ch 7:15 My eyes will be open from now on, and my ears will be attentive to the prayer made in this place.  Ps 78:68 He preferred the tribe of Judah, the Mountain of Zion that he loved.

·         Recognition, examples

Ps 68:20 Blessed be the Lord every day! When we are overwhelmed, God delivers us. -Pause.  Ps 119:62 In the middle of the night I rise to praise you, because of the judgments of your righteousness.  Luke 17:16 He fell on his face at the feet of Jesus, and gave thanks to him. He was a Samaritan.  2 Cor 9:15 Thanks be to God for His ineffable gift!

·         Prayer for the Church

Jn 17:20 It is not only for them that I pray, but also for those who will believe in me by their word, Eph 3:14 Because of this I bow my knees before the Father, Phil 1:4 not ceasing, in all my prayers for all of you, 1 Thes 1:2 We continually give thanks to God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers,

From all the above, we note that the psalm begins by recalling the joy with which the pilgrims began their walk, and rejoices in having achieved the goal: Wanting and fighting for the growth of an external organization called the Church, without taking into account the Presence that gives it all its holiness, is not a rare fault among some who think that they are animated by “zeal for the Lord”, while it is a good, a more earthly flame that burns in them. The psalmist has magnificent expressions to celebrate the city of God: city of peace, place where God put his name, scene of joy and praise, center of worship and all holy convocations, seat also of the government of Jehovah. It is hailed as possessing both the Throne and the Temple, the common dwelling of Glory and the Sword of Justice, seat of a theocratic Government, as we say. The psalmist invites us to seek his peace, and finally assures him of his fervent love, both because of his brothers and sisters, and because of Jehovah his God; for it was there that the place of their gathering was fixed; it was there that His house was. Ps 122 celebrates Jerusalem. The saint rejoices to go; this is where the tribes rise, and the thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of David, are found. His heart is attached to it for the love of his brothers and companions and because of the house of Jehovah, the God of Israel, the God of the faithful Israelites. It is about the restoration of relations with Jerusalem, the memory of the old relations comes to mind, and the new ones are established.  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and for centuries of ages. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” man of integrity can find himself before God.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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