Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 142.2 and following. Indeed, chased by Saul, David hid in the cave of Adullam (1 Sam 22:1-5; Ps 57:1-12). He wanders with his companions “in the deserts and mountains, and the caves and holes of the earth” (Heb 11:32-40). Every human refuge is lost to Him (verse 4). But his faith allows him to cry out, “Eternal…  you are my refuge” (verse 6). “The righteous will surround me…” (verse 8). Christ, the true David, will introduce with Him into His glory those whom He has clothed in His own righteousness.

I cried to Jehovah. This showed a singular presence of mind in David that he was not paralyzed by fear, or that he did not take revenge in a paroxysm of fury of his enemy, as he could have done easily; and that he was not driven by despair to take his life, but calmly addressed the exercise of prayer. There were good reasons why the title should have been affixed to the psalm to note this circumstance, and David had good reason to mention how he recommended himself to God. Surrounded by Saul’s army, and surrounded by destruction on all sides, how could he spare him such an implacable enemy, had he not been strengthened against the strongest temptations by prayer? The repetition he uses indicates that he prayed seriously, so as to be insensitive to any onslaught of temptation.

He tells us even more clearly in the next verse that he has discharged his ears to God. Pouring out one’s thoughts and recounting one’s afflictions involves the reverse of those perplexed worries that men incubate internally in their own distress, and by which they torture themselves and are irritated by their afflictions rather than led to God; or it implies the opposite of those frantic exclamations expressed by others who find no comfort in God’s foresight and care. In short, it remains for us to deduce from this that if he did not yield before men to noisy and senseless lamentations, he also did not suffer from being tormented by inner and repressed worries, but made his sorrow known with unsuspecting trust in the Lord.

When, my mind. Although he admits here that he felt anxiety, he confirms what he had said about the constancy of his faith. The number he uses of his mind being perplexed, represents well the state of mind by alternating between various resolutions when there was no apparent exit from danger, and by increasing his distress by resorting to all kinds of devices. He adds that although there is no apparent means of security, God knew from the beginning how His deliverance was to be carried out. Others give a different meaning to this clause, you know my way, as if David were saying that God had witnessed his integrity, but the other is the most correct, that God knew the way to deliver him, while his own mind was distracted by a variety of thoughts, and yet could not conceive of any mode of extrication. Words teach us, when we have tried all the remedies and do not know what to do, to be satisfied with the conviction that God knows our afflictions, and will deign to take care of us, as Abraham says.

Looking to the right.  He shows that there was a good cause for the terrible suffering he suffered, for no human help or comfort was to be expected and destruction seemed inevitable. When he speaks of having looked at and yet not perceived a friend among men, he does not mean that he had turned his thoughts to earthly helpers in the oblivion of God, but that he had made such an investigation that was justifiable after someone on earth who could help him. If a person of this kind had presented himself, he would no doubt have recognized him as an instrument in the hands of God’s mercy, but it was God’s plan that he should be abandoned of all man’s help, and that his deliverance from destruction seems more extraordinary. In the expression, none seeking my soul, the verb to seek is used in a good sense, to be concerned about the well-being or safety of every man.

I cried out to you, O Jehovah! To hasten God’s interposition, David complained of the low state to which he was reduced, and of his end; the Cree term for vehemence. He speaks of deliverance as manifestly necessary, since he was now being held prisoner. By prison some suppose that he alludes to the cave where he was housed, but this is too narrow a meaning.  This is the true and natural meaning.  Itis taken figuratively to surround, implying that it would be a spectacle for all, the eyes of men being attracted by such a singular case of deliverance. If someone considers that words are not figurative, the meaning will be, that the righteous would not only congratulate him, but place a crown on his head as a sign of victory. Some explain the passage, they will gather to congratulate me, and stand around me on either side like a crown. As the words literally read, they will crown upon me, some provide another pronoun, and give that meaning, that the righteous would interpret the mercy bestowed upon David as glory has conferred on themselves; for when God delivers one of His children, He offers the prospect of deliverance to others and, so to speak,  gives them a crown. The meaning adopted is the simplest, however, that the mercy granted would be manifested to all as in a theater, proving an example signaling to the righteous for the establishment of their faith.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

The Lord, the last refuge of the persecuted:

  • Implore God, cry out to God

Jg 6:7 When the children of Israel cried out to the Lord about Midian, Ps 34:6 When one looks to him, one is radiant with joy, and the face is not covered with shame.  Ps 61:2 O God! listen to my cries, Be attentive to my prayer!  Lm 2:18 Their hearts cry out to the Lord… Wall of the daughter of Zion, pour out torrents of tears day and night! Do not give you any relaxation, and let your eye have no rest!

  • Set traps, general references

Ps 35:7 For without cause they stretched their net to me on a pit, Without cause they dug it to take my life.  Ps 119:85, 110 Proud people dig pits before me; They do not act according to your law. 110 Wicked people set traps for me, and I do not stray far from your ordinances.  Ps 142:4 When my spirit is slaughtered within me, You know my path. On the road where I walk They set a trap for me.  Jer 18:22 Let us hear cries coming out of their homes, When suddenly thou shalt melt armed bands upon them! For they dug a pit to take me, They stretched nets under my feet.

  • Persecution, general references

Ps 7:2 Eternal, my God! I seek in you my refuge; Save me from all my persecutors, and deliver me, Ps 31:16 My destinies are in your hand; Deliver me from my enemies and persecutors!  Ps 143:3 The enemy pursues my soul, He tramples on my life on the ground; He makes me dwell in darkness, like those who have been dead for a long time.  Jer 15:15 You know everything, O Lord, remember me, do not forget me, Avenge me from my persecutors! Don’t take me away, while you’re slow to anger! Know that I can stand the stigma because of you.

  • Spiritual abundance of God’s gifts

-Abundant joy Ps 36:9 They satiate themselves with the abundance of your house, and you water them in the torrent of your delights.

-Abundant life Jn 10:10 The thief comes only to steal, slaughter and destroy; I have come so that the sheep may have life, and that they may be in abundance.

-Abundant Grace 2 Cor 9:8 And God can fill you with all kinds of graces, so that, always possessing in all things enough to satisfy all your needs, you may still have in abundance for every good work,

-Abundant Power Eph 3:20 Or, to him who can do, by the power that acts in us, infinitely beyond all that we ask or think,

-Abundant provisions Phil 4:19 And my God will provide for all your needs according to His wealth, with glory, in Jesus Christ.

Abundant Entry 2 Pet 1:11 In this way, in fact, the entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be fully granted to you.

From all of the above, we note that this psalm exudes the same spirit of mixed fear and faith that characterizes many earlier psalms, and there are many echoes of previous singers. This psalmist has sorrows as deep as his predecessors and such a firm grip of Jehovah, his helper. His song circulates naturally in worn channels and is no less authentic and acceptable to God because it does. Trouble and lack of sympathy or human help did their best work on him, since they led him into the bosom of God. He cried out in vain to the man; and now he has gathered in a firm resolution to throw himself on God. Men may be offended by the fact that they are only solicited as a last resort, but God does not. The psalmist is too serious to settle for tacit prayers. His voice must help his thoughts. Wonderful is the power of the statement articulated in the definition, and often in the reduction of sorrows. Simply put, many burdens are decreasing. Speaking of his grief, many men are calmed down and ready to endure. The complaint poured out before God ceases to flood the mind; the straits spoken to Him begin to tighten less firmly. The outpouring of complaints is not intended to tell Jehovah what he does not know. It is for the relief of the complainant, not for God’s information. However a soul is enveloped, in darkness, the thought that God knows the road that is so dark brings a small ray crawling in the darkness. With this conviction, the psalmist begs Jehovah to see what he sees. This is the paradox of faithful prayer, which asks what it knows it possesses, and dares to ask only if it knows it. Thus, totally naked of help, allies and earthly hiding place, what can a man do if not throw himself into the arms of God? This one does. He had searched in vain on the horizon for a safe corner to slip in and escape. He was in the open air, with no bush or rock to hide behind. Then he looks up, and suddenly stands beside him an impregnable fortress, as if a mountain immediately sprang from the flat earth. Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” The persecuted faithful ask for deliverance (Ps 143).

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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