Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 7.1 and following. Indeed, to understand the Psalms and in particular not to be surprised by some harsh words about the wicked, there is a fact that we must never lose sight of: Believers who express themselves in this way are not part of the Church. The Psalms apply prophetically to the period following his rapture. Certainly, we can appropriate many precious verses: For example, all those who express trust, suffering in the face of injustice, praise and many other feelings. But this is not the time to appeal to God’s judgment as happens in the Psalms. Our prayer as Christians is not: “Punish them, O God!”; but in the school of our divine Model we learn to say, “Father, forgive them…” (Luke 23:32-38) or like Stephen, his disciple, “Lord, do not impute this sin to them” (Acts 7:54-60).

It is a call to Jehovah’s judgment for the deliverance of the righteous: a call to jehovah, based on the righteousness and more than just conduct of the faithful to his enemies, so that Jehovah may rise up and awaken for the judgment he has ordained, and thus, by deliverance from the residue by means of judgment, the assembly of the various nations of the earth may surround it. Then Jehovah will judge the people; and here we find another truth: the Lord judges man righteous; if a man does not go back, but goes forward in his wickedness, His wrath will follow him. Now, the Spirit of Christ associates himself in sympathy with the residue, with the last days, and we glimpse Christ himself, as passing through the circumstances that have enabled him to take part in those of the residue with truth, for we have seen that the effect on his own soul has never been what this effect is in the residue.

For this is not the story of Christ, but his sympathies for the faithful of the residue; and in this regard we can recognize two principles that bind Christ and the remnant together to the last days: first, Christ introduces the faithful into grace, into his own position on earth, and second, he associates himself with their position with them. This is shown by Matthew 17:24-27 where he associates his own with his position, only he already revealed to them the name of the Father. As for the nature and principles of their lives, the righteous morally have the feelings produced by the Spirit of Christ: their cries and supplications are the expression of this fact. For God recognizes the rights of the righteous, although they themselves do not have a clear understanding of them, and He provides them with the expression of them in the Psalms. It is both a need and a desire, that the life that is legitimate in them, before the heart of the One who can take into account the foundation that Christ has laid for the blessing: he is therefore just in his support, although justice as to the Jews, is not yet manifested. The knowledge that the residue of what Jehovah is -of what he has always been -with regard to integrity and oppression, gives him to wait for a deliverance that seems impossible.

For Leviticus 9:22-24 presents this truth to us in a striking way: God’s acceptance of sacrifice was not manifested until Moses and Aaron -Christ as priest and king -had come out of the tabernacle, after entering it. Then the people worship; but Aaron had previously blessed from the offering. We know from the Spirit, descended from heaven, that the offering has been accepted, while the priest is still inside the veil; and through him we know the full value of divine justice. And the people will remain in waiting of faith until God acts on his behalf. Because this cry: “Until when?  ” is the expression of the expectation of faith: God cannot reject his people forever (Lam 3:3); – until when will he act towards them as he did and will he take no account of oppression? That is why it says somewhere: “There is no one… who knows until when” (Ps 74:9).

Then we will see the general state of the Jewish residue before God at the end, and not the feelings of Christ: considering the psalms we have just seen as one whole, we see that it is therefore a general exposition of the state of the residue of the Jews before God in the last days, and the principles according to which the faithful are recognized as having integrity, for so far we have not yet found the powerful outpouring of the feelings of the faithful under the weight of affliction. Is Christ far from all of them? Certainly not; otherwise, we would not have the Psalms.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Establish my right:

·         Ingratitude, giving back evil for good

Ps 35:12 They return evil to me for good: My soul is in surrender.  Pr 17:13 Of him who renders evil for good Evil will not leave the house.  Jer 18:20 Will evil be returned for good? For they dug a pit to take my life. Remember, I stood before you, In order to speak on their behalf, and to divert your anger from them.  John 10:32 Jesus said to them: I have made you see many good works from my Father: for which do you stone me?

·         Lowering of the proud, predicted

Jb 40:12 It bends its tail as firm as a cedar; The nerves in her thighs are intertwined;  Pr 29:23 A man’s pride lowers him, but he who is humble in spirit obtains glory.  Isaiah 2:12 For there is a day for the Lord of hosts against every proud and haughty man, against whoever rises, that he may be lowered;  Ml 3:19 For behold, the day comes, Ardent as a furnace. All the haughty and all the wicked will be like stubble; The day that comes will set them ablaze, says the Lord of hosts, He will leave them neither root nor branch.  Lk 1:52 He overthrew the powerful from their thrones, and He lifted up the humble.

·         Divine revival, figuratively speaking

Ps 7:7 Rise, O Lord! in your wrath, Rise against the fury of my adversaries, Wake up to rescue me, order a judgment!  Ps 35:23 Wake up, wake up to do me justice! My God and my Lord, defend my cause!  Ps 44:24 Wake up! Why do you sleep, Lord? Wake up! does not push us away forever!  Ps 73:20 Like a dream of revival, Lord, when you wake up, you reject their image.  Ps 78:65 The Lord awakened as the one who slept, like a hero who was subjugated by wine.  Ps 80:3 Before Ephraim, Benjamin and Manasseh, awaken your strength, and come to our rescue!  Isa 51:9 Wake up, wake up! put on your strength, arm of the Lord! Wake up, as in the days of yesteryear, In the ancient ages! Was it not you who brought down Egypt, Who pierced the monster?

God as Judge

Gen 18:25 To make the righteous die with the wicked, so that it is the just as the wicked, far from you this way of acting! far from you! Won’t he who judges the whole earth exercise justice?  Ps 58:12 And men will say, Yes, he is a reward for the righteous; Yes, he is a God who judges on earth.  Ps 96:13 Before the Lord! For he comes, for he comes to judge the earth; He will judge the world justly, and the people according to his faithfulness.  Ec 3:18 I said in my heart, about the sons of man, that God would experience them, and that they themselves would see that they are only beasts.  Hb 12:23 of the assembly of the firstborn inscribed in heaven, of the judge who is the God of all, of the spirits of the righteous who have come to perfection,

From all the above, we note that Christ enters by his sympathies into the conditions of the Jewish residue, he forms the faith of their hearts in this state through his Spirit, and thus enters fully and in the most touching way into their condition of lowering. On the other hand, when the time of grace is over, and the Antichrist oppresses the faint faithful residue, praying for the destruction of the wicked will be according to God’s thought (Luke 18:1-8). For only in this way and after the judgment of the ungodly can the earthly kingdom of the Son of man be established. For the hours of this mystical day pass, and in this psalm we arrive at dawn. As a result, the psalmist asks Jehovah to stand up and wake up, as if the time had come for Him to take charge of the deliverance of his own, honest and persecuted. The Spirit of Jesus is always revealed there, but as in each of these psalms, he is associated with the residue of the last days. Here, as the day approaches, he anticipates in an even more complete and glorious way the destruction of the great Enemy – his fall into the pit he had prepared for others, and this event, like the dawn, is the forerunner of the day, for it will be followed by the gathering of the congregation around the Lord, a perspective that is contemplated here. Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “the faithful oppressed is looking forward to deliverance.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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