Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 70. 2 and following. Indeed, the suffering of others often  leaves us insensitive (compare Ps 69:20-22). This is even more true when we are tested ourselves. In general, in such moments, we think only of our own burden and we even find some relief in finding that we are not alone in suffering. But this was not the case with Jesus. While being Himself “afflicted and poor,” his prayer was that all who seek God would go wild and rejoice in Him… (verse 5). Already in Ps 69:7 He had interceded: “Let those who seek you not be confused because of me, O God of Israel”! His whole desire was for God to be magnified and for his people to rejoice in Him (verse 5). On the other hand, shame and confusion will reach those who have sought his life, who have taken an insolent pleasure in his misfortune (verse 3). But we know that no desire for revenge like those in verses 3:4 has risen into the loving Savior’s heart. Rather, in the depths of His pain He cared for those who tormented Him in grace, and asked God to forgive them (Luke 23:32-38).

The Psalm is almost exactly similar to Ps 40:13 of Ps 40. It seems that it was taken from this Psalm and slightly modified to adapt it to a new occasion. “We do not know what the occasion was in both cases, but it would seem that in this case the Psalmist found, in the last verses of the 40th Psalm, a language that almost expressed what he felt on a particular occasion, and that could, by a slight change, be applied to the use for which he was then desired.

The three objectives he seeks to achieve: The Psalmist seeks (1) His own deliverance. “Hurry, O God, to deliver me; Hurry to help me, O Lord. “God, to my aid, O Jehovah, to my aid, hurry up. What he seeks for himself, all men demand. The ultimate deliverance from all trials and afflictions, and “the grace to help in times of need,” are blessings that everyone and all men should seek for themselves. (2) The disappointment of his enemies. “Let them be ashamed and confused who seek my soul, let them be overthrown and confused who desire my evil. Let them be turned away for a reward for their shame who say, Aha, aha! These expressions are common in the Psalms. They are used to expose the frustration and failure of the hopes and plans of the bad guys.  (For thenumber and variety of expressions – “shameful, … confused… turned back, … confused” – aim to give intensity and strength to the idea: It is not only lawful but commendable to pray that the designs and hopes of wicked men will be frustrated). (3) The prosperity of the stakes. “Let all those who seek you rejoice and rejoice in you; and let those who love your salvation say unceasingly: May God be magnified. The beatitude of the true seeker of God is to find him and, in finding him, to realize the fullness of joy. The beatitude of the lover of God’s salvation is to enjoy it, and to take advantage of it to give glory to God. David prays for the frustration of the hopes of the wicked and for the fulfillment of the hopes of the good.

The urgency with which it is presented. “Hurry to help me, O Lord, … hasten to help me, O God; … Lord, do not delay: The psalmist was so deeply aware of his own affliction, peril and helplessness, and his complete dependence on God’s help, that he prayed with almost passionate urgency for God’s immediate intervention on his behalf. He would force God to appear for him immediately. “He who cannot wait for God’s help will never win it; but he must pray for it and can insist on his circumstances in prayer. The urgency of the need will be followed by the urgency of the supplication, and the urgency of the supplication by rapid help. “Although death, or the danger of it, has never been so close, God can come quickly and prevent it; and prayer is a quick messenger, who in the blink of an eye can come and go with an answer from heaven.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Come quickly to my rescue:

  • Divine help, God helps his people

Dt 33:29 If they were wise, this is what they would understand, and they would think of what would happen to them.  2 Ch 25:8 If you go with them, even if you would do acts of valour in battle, God will make you fall before the enemy, for God has the power to help and bring down.  Ps 27:9 Do not hide your face from me, Do not angrily repel your servant! You are my help, do not leave me, do not abandon me, God of my salvation!  Ps 28:7 The Lord is my strength and shield; In him my heart trusts, and I am rescued; I have joy in my heart, and I praise it with my songs.

  • To rejoice, the duty of

Dt 12:7 This is where you will eat before Jehovah, your God, and you and your families will serve to your joy all the goods with which Jehovah, your God, has blessed you.  Ps 5:12 Then all those who trust in you will rejoice, They will have joy forever, and you will protect them; You will be a subject of joy for those who love your name.  Luke 10:20, however, do not rejoice that the spirits are submitted to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.  Rom 12:15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.

  • Joy, examples of

Ps 4:8 You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and must abound.  Ps 45:16 They are introduced in the midst of rejoicing and joy, They enter the king’s palace.  Acts 2:46 They were all together assiduous in the temple every day, breaking bread in the houses, and taking their food with joy and simplicity of heart, Acts 14:17 though He never ceased to bear witness to what He is, doing good, dispensing you from heaven with the rains and fertile seasons, giving you food in abundance, and filling your hearts with joy.

  • Confidence in God, examples of

Ps 3:7 I do not fear the myriad peoples who besiege me from all sides.  Ps 20:8 They bend, and they fall; We stand firm, and stand.  Ps 46:3 That is why we are fearless when the earth is turned upside down, and the mountains totter in the heart of the seas, Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my deliverance, I will be full of confidence, and I will fear nothing; For the Lord, the Lord is my strength and the subject of my praises; He was the one who saved me.

From all the above, we note thatwe find in this psalm a language very similar to that of the last verses of Ps. 40: These are words that are particularly suitable for the One who was satiated with pain. This psalm also binds, to an extent, to the next psalm (see v.3 and Ps. 71:13). In connection with v. 4, we can remember the taunts recorded in Mark 15:29. ForPs 70 is the expression of the desire of the Spirit of Christ, in relation to the sufferings he has endured at the hands of man, but with the form that this desire will take in the residue on the last day: Let his enemies be confused, they who say: ha! ha!  – as they did when he was on the cross;  – let those who seek Jehovah go wild and rejoice in Him, and let those who love His salvation – in other words, those who enjoy this salvation – continually say: Magnified be God! As far as he is concerned, he is satisfied, because of this, to be afflicted and poor as man on earth, and not to have on the other hand until the end. He trusts in Jehovah who is his helper and liberator, and knows that He will intervene. He asks her not to delay. This language may be found, no doubt, in the mouth of some saint of the residue, but it perfectly summarizes the principle according to which the Spirit of Christ speaks, in the saints, when Christ personally associates himself with their tribulations: thereby, he provides us with a key to the understanding of these Psalms. It will be noted that the covenant name, “the Lord,” is introduced from the verse. 13 of Ps. 69.  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” Cry of distress of the faithful (Ps 71).”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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