Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Jer 27:2-3 and following. Indeed, this chapter and the following ones now transport us to the final reign of Zedekiah. He seems to have plotted with these five neighbors: the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon to resist Nebuchadnezzar. And no doubt it is to set up this alliance that the delegates of these nations meet in Jerusalem. Then Jeremiah is charged by the Lord to give each of these diplomats a gift for the least original, made for him: These are yokes and ties that precisely symbolize the domination of the king of Babylon from whom these peoples intended to free themselves. We can imagine how the five negotiators greeted this humiliating gift with.  Yet submitting to the yoke of Babylon is the only way to escape judgment.

(It should be remembered that almost always threatening in his prophecies, Jeremiah almost always saw men respond to his oracles with threats or mistreatment; for he had to weep over himself, weeping over others, but never knew how to weaken or disguise the truth, whatever prayers or threats. He did not allow himself to be discouraged by the stubborn resistance, nor to be embittered by the malevolent fury of his enemies; for he loved them, complained to them, and never ceased to conjure them to seek their happiness in the fulfillment of the divine will.  Devoted to his country, to that Judea that persecuted him, he remained the tireless witness of the truth, the enemy, always firm in its moderation, of error, disbelief and obstinacy.  Il worthily fulfilled his mission as ambassador to heaven, and was in Judah as a man of another world or another time. His life has been filled with events, and is no less monotonous, because these events all look the same, and all happen in the sphere of fidelity on the one hand, persecution on the other.  Finally, the prophet accompanied the people later to Egypt and tried in vain to preserve them from idolatry and especially from the worship of the stars.)

Returning to our theme, let’s note that it was submission to the leader of the Gentiles that God required of the Jews. But, before insisting on this point, let us note the care that God takes of his people, warning them with each new step he takes towards judgment: We remember that Zedekiah attracted this judgment by revolting against the king of Babylon. For at the beginning of his reign, Jehovah sends his word through Jeremiah to warn all the kings of the neighborhood and Zedekiah himself, that they had to submit; that if they submitted, they would remain at peace in their countries, and that otherwise they would be driven out and perish.

Let’s now note what place, as creator of the earth, of man and of beasts, God gives to the king of Babylon: God delivered for a certain time to Nebuchadnezzar the nations and all the beasts of the fields. He wants to establish this central and universal power: the nation that does not submit to it, constitutes itself in opposition against God himself, and is crushed (Dn 2:38). For all that was on the earth was subject to this king of the earth, this imperial leader taken from among the gentiles. It was a government willed by God, which had abandoned Jerusalem, and would no longer protect it, unless it submitted to that government. It seems that the kings of the neighboring countries were plotting with Zedekiah to shake off the yoke of the king of Babylon; and it was on the occasion of the sending of their ambassadors that the prophecy was given, God manifesting his will that all submit to this yoke, for it was He himself who imposed it.

This fact that God has entrusted power in this world, to a man, is very remarkable. For as far as the custodian of kingship in Israel is concerned, he was tested on the subject of obedience to God, and he did not know how to enjoy the happiness that was attached to it. Now God abandons this direct government of the world (while remaining sovereign above), and rejecting Israel that he had chosen from among the nations, which he had grouped around him and the throne he had placed in his midst, he subjugated the world to a leader.  Ainsi, entrusting power to man, he subjects him to a new test.

We know that man has failed, unintelligent and presumptuous, ravaged the world and oppressed God’s people, walked his sanctuary and prepared for himself a judgment all the more terrible, that Satan will push him to resist it and help him in his rebellion. And Nebuchadnezzar alone answers this picture in every  way. This is the golden head: God had directly entrusted him with the government of the world. And Cyrus personally occupies a special and more honorable place in some respects; but the Persian Empire has only replaced the one that already existed. For the sources and character of power will always deteriorate as one moves away from God and His gift.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Call for Submission:

  • Divine inspiration, examples

-The Seventy Elders Nb 11:25 The Lord descended into the cloud, and spoke to Moses; he took of the spirit that was upon him, and put it upon the seventy elders. And as soon as the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied; but they did not continue.

-Balaam Nb 23:5 The Lord put words in Balaam’s mouth, and said, go back to Balak, and you will speak like this.

David 2 Sam 23:2 The spirit of jehovah speaks through me, and his word is on my tongue.

-Micah 1 Kings 22:14 Micah answered: Jehovah is alive! I will announce what the Lord will tell me.

-Zechariah 2 Ch 24:20 Zechariah, son of the priest Jehojada, was clothed in the spirit of God; he came before the people and said, “Thus speaks God: Why do you transgress the commandments of jehovah? You will not prosper; for you have forsaken the Lord, and he will abandon you.

Jeremiah Jr. 1:9-10 Then jehovah stretched out his hand, and touched my mouth; and the Lord said to me, Behold, I put my words in your mouth.10 Look, I set you today on the nations and on the kingdoms, that you may tear up and slaughter, that you may ruin and destroy, that you may build and plant.

Ezekiel Ez 3:17 Son of man, I establish you as a sentinel on the house of Israel. You will listen to the word that comes out of my mouth, and you will warn them from me.

  • Arm of God, powerful

Ex 6:6 Therefore, say to the children of Israel: I am the Lord, I will set you free from the labors entrusted to you by the Egyptians, I will deliver you from their bondage, and I will save you with open arms and by great judgments.  Ps 89:14 Your arm is powerful, Your hand strong, your right upright.  Ps 98:1 Psalm. Sing to the Lord a new hymn! Because he did wonders. His right and holy arm came to his aid.  Isaiah 51:5 My righteousness is near, my salvation will appear, and my arms will judge the people; The islands will hope in me, They will trust in my arm.  Isaiah 62:8 Jehovah swore by his right hand and by his mighty arm: I will no longer give your wheat for food to your enemies, and the sons of the stranger will no longer drink your wine, Product of your labors;  Isaiah 63:12 Who led the righteousness of Moses, by his glorious arm; Who split the waters before them, To make an eternal name for himself;  Acts 13:17 The God of this people of Israel chose our fathers. He honored this people during his stay in the land of Egypt, and he brought them out by his mighty arm.

  • Supremacy given to certain men

Gen 25:23 And Jehovah said to him, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples will separate themselves out of your bowels; one of these peoples will be stronger than the other, and the greater will be subject to the least.  Gen 27:29 Let people be subjugated to you, and may nations bow down before you! Be the master of your brothers, and may your mother’s sons bow down before you! Cursed be whoever curses you, and blessed be whoever blesses you.  Gen 37:7 We were tying wreaths in the middle of the fields; and behold, my sheaf rose and stood, and your sheaves surrounded it and prostrated itself before it.  Gen 48:19 His father refused, and said, “I know it, my son, I know it; he too will become a people, he too will be great; but his younger brother will be greater than him, and his posterity will become a multitude of nations.  Gen 49:8 Judah, thou shalt receive the homages of your brethren; Your hand will be on the neck of your enemies. Your father’s sons will bow down before you.

  • Man’s domination of the natural world

Gen 1:26 Then God said: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, and let him rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the sky, over the cattle, over all the earth, and over all the reptiles that crawl on the earth.  Gen 9.2 You will be a subject of fear and terror for every animal on earth, for every bird in the sky, for all that moves on earth, and for all the fish of the sea: they are delivered into your hands.  Ps 8:7 You have given him dominion over the works of your hands, You have put everything under his feet, James 3:7 All species of beasts and birds, reptiles and marine animals, are tamed and have been tamed by human nature;

From all of the above, we note that both false prophets and false teachers oppose the truth, precisely where God tests His people. They can use all other parts of the truth to deceive, and appear to have more faith in them. It is clear that they never have the secret of Jehovah. But whatever appearances, they do not stop or divert God from the path in which He wants to walk. However, the position of the true prophet is painful; it may at the moment appear to be silenced; for the popular lie has the heart of the people. Jeremiah had to leave. However, during the struggle between truth and error, God often intervenes with vivid testimonies. The mission of the prophet in the government of the world and in relation to the march of the people, is always the testimony of a judgment that will melt on infidelity. Pride in various forms is still today the great principle that governs modern states (as well as individuals). But above their ambitious intrigues, God leads the destinies of the world. It is to Him that the Christian expects and not from the uncertainties of human politics (Dn 4:9-18). For God, who set aside Israel, henceforth entrusted universal power to Nebuchadnezzar, whom he called his servant. Romans 13:1-7 reminds us that every person must submit to higher authorities and that there is no authority that does not come from God. Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “the parable of the lioness and her cubs. »

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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