Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 94:1 et seq. Indeed, unlike the end-time Israelite, the Christian must guard against any desire for revenge (Rom 12:9-21). Nevertheless, he suffers from the evil and injustice that reign in this world, where pride, wickedness, arrogance, boasting, oppression and violence are unleashed. The believer cannot cross the earth remaining insensitive to what he sees there every day. And the more he is aware of God’s holiness, the more evil abhors him (Ps 97:10-12). This is why Christ, the perfect man, suffered more than anyone. See it in Mark 3:1-6 “saddened by the hardening of their hearts”… And He Himself was the object of supreme injustice.

Then Ps 94 gives us this request of the faithful; it is at the same time the expression of the perfect intelligence of their position, of the ways of God, of the position of the wicked and of the result that will be produced, and this, for this Psalm as for all those of this book, on the foot of the relationship known to the people with the Lord. We have seen that in Ps 91 Christ takes this place with the people, so that the full blessing can come upon the people as an associate with Him. Ps 94 addresses Jehovah as the God of vengeance and asks him to show himself, to rise as judge of the earth and to return the reward to the proud. The “Until when?” becomes insistent and pressing; the conduct and impiety of the wicked are exposed. The following verses are addressed to the unbelieving Israelites concerning the folly of this conduct. Then they contain a very instructive explanation of the ways of jehovah: “Blessed is man” whom Jehovah chastises and teaches by his law! This is the position of the suffering residue, this position in which God shelters him from the bad days until the pit is dug for the wicked.

No doubt the faithful had sometimes come close to forgetting this precious truth (Ps 73); not always, however,(Ps 27:5); but faith does not forget it, and this is the true meaning of the afflictions of the residue, and of ours also under the care of our Father. The heart, in the midst of evil, deals with God, not only in submission, but as knowing that the cup presented to it comes from Jehovah (from our Father). Thus the trouble and misery that we feel, when we encounter the will of man in our will, without any resources left to us, come to an end; and the will (the great obstacle) being submissive, God then teaches the humble and submissive heart that is in its true position before Him. For Christ, while deeply feeling what was before Him, is precisely the contrast with this struggle against one’s own will, for he is perfect in his submission (see John 12 and Gethsemane). Peter would have resisted, but Christ took the cup from his Father’s hand.  For faith, it is also an established thing that Jehovah will never reject his people: but judgment will return to righteousness and all those who are right of heart will follow it. This is the great principle, the essential and capital principle of the change that takes place in time of which our Psalm speaks. Judgment, long separated from justice, now falls to it.

For judgment was in Pilate, righteousness in Christ. There the opposition of these two things was complete; – everywhere else it is more or less so. Suffering for righteousness, and divine righteousness established in heaven is certainly the best part, is the part of Christ, as man, now glorified; but this is not the maintenance of justice on earth. This justice on earth must be effectively maintained; but where to find the one who will make it triumph? Who will take up the cause of the faithful, or rise for the residue, against the powerful workers of iniquity? If Jehovah had not risen for them, their souls would soon have been lodged in the place of silence. There is little need to point out how true all this is of Christ, with regard to men, how fully he fits into the whole position presented to us here. Even when the residue was afraid to slip, the goodness of Jehovah sustained him; and under the overwhelming weight of thoughts, where all the power of evil lies, the consolations of the Lord have made the delights of his soul.

Verse 20 presents us with a very remarkable request: Are the throne of iniquity and that of Jehovah ready to unite together? No, probably; then the days of the throne of iniquity are numbered. The wickedness is there, it is now patent. But the Lord, the retreat of the faithful, the judge of the wicked, who will bring their iniquity upon themselves, will destroy them. This Psalm therefore presents us, in a remarkable way, the most complete review of the entire position of the residue and the ways of the Lord.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

God who venges injustice:

·         God’s Revenge

Dt 32:35 Revenge and retribution to me, When their foot falters! For the day of their misfortune is near, and what awaits them will not be long in coming.  Ez 25:17 I will take great revenge upon them, chastising them with fury. And they will know that I am the Lord, when I will exercise my vengeance on them.  Nah1.2 Jehovah is a jealous God, he takes revenge; The Lord takes revenge, he is full of fury; The Lord takes revenge on his opponents, He holds a grudge against his enemies.  2 Thess 1:8 in the midst of a flame of fire, to punish those who do not know God and those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

·         Reward for evil

Isaiah 59:18 He will render to each according to his works, Fury to his adversaries, Like his enemies; He will reciprocate the islands.  Ez 9:10 I, too, will be merciless, and I will have no mercy; I will make their works fall on their heads.  Os 9:7 They arrive, the days of chastisement, They arrive, the days of retribution: Israel will experience it! The prophet is mad, the inspired man is delirious, because of the greatness of your iniquities and rebellions.  2 Thess 1:6 For it is the righteousness of God to render affliction to those who afflict you, Hb 2:2 For if the word announced by angels has had its effect, and if every transgression and disobedience has received just retribution,

·         Arrogance

1 S 2.3 Do not speak with so much height; Let arrogance no longer come out of your mouth; For Jehovah is a God who knows everything, and through him are weighed all actions.  Ps 12:5 Those who say: We are powerful by our tongue, We have our lips with us; Who would be our master? – Pr 8:13 The fear of the Lord is the hatred of evil; Arrogance and pride, the way of evil, and the evil mouth, this is what I hate.  Isa 13:11 I will punish the world for its malice, and the wicked for their iniquities; I will put an end to the pride of the haughty, and I will bring down the arrogance of the tyrants.

·         Madness of men, foolish men, characteristics

-Atheism Ps 53:2 The fool says in his heart: There is no God! They have corrupted themselves, they have committed abominable iniquities; None of them do good.

-Slander Pr 10:18 He who conceals hatred has lying lips, And he who spreads slander is a fool.

-Deception of sin Pr 14:9 Fools play a game of sin, but among righteous men is benevolence.

-Contempt for instruction Pr 15.5 The fool disdains the instruction of his father, But he who regards the reprimand acts with caution.

-Quarrels Pr 18:6 The lips of the fool mingle with the quarrels, And his mouth provokes the blows.

-Disputes Pr 20.3 It is a glory for man to abstain from quarrels, but every fool indulges in the outburst.

-Self-confidence Pr 28:26 He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be saved.  Jer 17:11 Like a partridge that incubates eggs that it has not laid, Such is he who acquires wealth unjustly; In the middle of his days he must leave them, and in the end he is only a fool.

Hypocrisy Lk 11:39-40 But the Lord said to him: You Pharisees cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, and inside you are full of rapine and wickedness. 40 Foolish! has not he who has done the outside also done the inside?

From all the above, we note that often the observation of this evil that surrounds us raises in us a multitude of painful thoughts: Does God not see these things? Why doesn’t He intervene?… In response, the Lord rarely gives us explanations but always consolations. By opening our eyes to the wickedness of the world, He helps us to separate ourselves from it. But it is in order to better attach ourselves to Himself and so that our hope may be made more fervent. May the consolations from above always make the joy of our soul! We therefore find the first of these subjects dealt with more broadly. The people, waiting for the king their Messiah, invoke him to call judgment on the enemy, to appease the waves that raise their voices. And all of Scripture confirms that the millennial kingdom of Christ will not be established until judgment is executed on the enemies of Israel. But during this psalm the grieving residue makes sure in God, convinced that He will operate for him. They know that in the midst of the waves and waves the Lord is their Rock that nothing can shake. For the judgment in question here is the day of Jehovah’s vengeance—the year in which he will give retribution to those who have a debate with Zion—the day he breaks their conjurations -the day of Jehovah against all that exalts himself -the day he will give “vengeance to his enemies.” “The rivers that have raised their waves” will then be taken up by the Lord. But the judgment must “return to justice.” Judgment must lead to the exaltation of righteousness on earth, when power is on the side of righteousness, as it will be in the kingdom.  The disbelief of the wicked conjured is strongly emphasized and taken up by the righteous residue of Israel. Peter speaks to the same mockers, but rather as a doctor teaching the truth of God and especially the coming of the Lord. Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and for centuries of ages. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” the faithful recognize Israel’s infidelity and praise Jehovah for his faithfulness.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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