Beloved, I am pleased to share with you today the above theme from Acts 20:1, 9. Indeed, the hostile manifestation in Ephesus led Paul to leave this city (Mt 10:16-23). After going to Greece through Macedonia, he returns by the same way and approaches Troas. The following account confirms that the Last Supper was celebrated as it is today on the first day of the week. But we are shocked by Eutychus’ sleep during the apostle’s preaching. But is it not still the latter who speaks to us when we read his epistles? How much attention do we give them? For the terrible accident that occurs shows us, morally, where indifference to the Word can lead someone to a fall and a state of death. But God’s grace grants here a consoling miracle.

Paul leaves Troas by road and joins his companions in Assos where he returns to sea towards Jerusalem. In Miletus, he calls to him the elders of the church of Ephesus to make their recommendations and farewell. He reminds them of his ministry among them and the example he set out to set for them. He warns them of the dangers that threaten the Church from outside and inside. How to deal with it? He exhorts them to vigilance, but above all he entrusts them to the grace of God. And as far as he is concerned, the apostle has only one thought: to faithfully complete his course (it is personal to him; 2 Tim 4:7) as well as “service” (it is that of the Lord). Indeed, his life has no other meaning and he is ready to make the sacrifice for this Church that has already cost him many tears (Col 1:24-29). But what was it besides the infinite value it has for God? For it has cost Him no less than “the blood of his own Son” (1: 1:17-21). That is why the apostle finds in this immense prize the reason for his dedication and reminds the overseers of Ephesus to emphasize their responsibility.

Thus, on the eve of Paul’s departure, on the first day of the week, the church was gathered to break bread. This very precious mention confirms that the Lord’s day, Sunday, is indeed the day chosen to remember his death, since it was on this day that he was resurrected. For we read:”On the first day of the week we were gathered to breakbread…”, an indication of a habit, probably followed elsewhere, for the saints were everywhere led by the same Spirit. And the Lord said, “Wheretwo or three are assembled in my name, I am in their midst”(Mt 18:20). Paul went downstairs, leaned over Eutychus, fell from the third-floor window where he had fallen deeply asleep, kissed him, and said, “Donot bedisturbed, for his soul is in him.” All were extremely happy to find him alive. He had simply lost consciousness. For when we are gathered to remember the Lord, we offer to God the Father, as to the Lord, the praise and worship of grateful hearts; and a preaching is rather exceptional if the worship is well rendered; it can take place if one allows oneself to be led by the Lord.

Then the apostle reminds the elders how he behaved during his sojourn among them; he had served the Lord in all humility, with tears, and the pitfalls of the Jews had brought him cruel trials. But no punishment had diverted him from the task the Lord had entrusted to him to form this church. He had not hidden from Christians any of the things that were beneficial to them. He had taught them publicly and in homes, emphasizing repentance to God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the two great truths that the evangelist must place before the unconverted. Repentance first, not regret for having done wrong, a limited meaning that is usually given to this word, but a sound and God-like judgment of oneself and one’s actions; if one regrets an act, one can still justify oneself and diminish its gravity, while, through true repentance, one judges oneself and one’s faults according to the holiness of God. By recognizing one’s guilt and the resulting judgment in this way, one is happy to grasp by faith the value of the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made to save the sinner.

When his work was completed, the apostle had before him his journey to Jerusalem which, instead of filling him with joy, made him feel painful things; even the Holy Spirit told him that bonds and tribulations awaited him. But he paid no heeded about his life, nor did he take it precious. For entirely surrendered to the Lord, all he desired was to complete his course and the service he had received to bear witness to the gospel of God’s grace (Acts 20:22-24). One might think that he should not have gone to Jerusalem since it was so; but if he went there, it was not to spare himself suffering, as we sometimes fail in our duty to avoid it. For he saw only one thing, and that was “to complete his race”, whatever it cost him. The thought that the brothers of Ephesus would not see him again was also painful to him.

And he said to them,”I have desired neither silver, nor gold, nor anyone’s clothes. You know yourselves that these hands provided for me and those of the people who were with me. I have shown you in any case that it is by working in this way that one must support the weak, and remember the words of the Lord, who said himself: There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” (Acts 20:33-35) This is how he behaved among the believers of Ephesus, he, the greatest servant of God who ever existed, had coveted neither silver, nor gold, nor the robe of anyone, which did not take place in the following among many of those who took places in the Church and who saw in their functions only a source of gain. Paul, on the contrary, had worked not to be in charge of anyone, in order to serve as an example to all, for the servant of God must not limit himself to teaching, but he must practice what he teaches, so that one may see in his walk the effects of the Word he presents.

That is why Paul said to the Philippians(4:9):”What you have learned, received, and heard from me, and what you have seen in me, practice it. And the God of peace will be with you. “but in Luke 14:13, 14, we find the thought that Paul attributes to the Lord: “Whenyou give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind. And thou shady shall be glad that they cannot reciprocate; for it will be returned to you at the resurrection of the righteous. “(Luke 14:13-14). And since there are such results in giving, the one who gives is happier than the one who receives. After finishing his exhortations, “Paul got  on his knees, and he prayed with them all. And all of them burst into tears, and, throwing themselves at Paul’s neck, they embraced him, grieving above all for what he had said they would no longer see his face. And they accompanied him to the ship. “Acts 20:36-38).

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

  • The Duty to Give Exhortations

1 Tim 4:13 Until I come, apply yourself to reading, exhortation, teaching. 2 Tim 4:2  preach the word, insist on every occasion, favorable or not, resume, censor, exhort, with all gentleness and teaching. Tt 1:9  attached to the true word as it has been taught, in order to be able to exhort according to sound doctrine and refute opponents. Tit 2:15  Say these things, exhort, and resume, with full authority. Let no one despise you. He 3:13  But exhort one another every day, as long as one can say: Today! that none of you may harden by the seduction of sin. He 10:25 Let us not abandon our assembly, as is the custom of some; but exhort each other, especially as you see the day approaching.

  • Traps set by the bad guys

Ps 35:7 For without cause they stretched their net to me on a pit, Without cause they dug it to take my life. Ps 119:85,110 Proud people dig pits before me; They do not act according to your law. 110 Wicked people set traps for me, and I do not stray far from your ordinances. Ps 140:6  Proud people set a trap and nets for me, They place rets along the way, They set me up pitfalls. Pause. Ps 141:9  Guarantee me the trap they set for me, and the pitfalls of those who do evil! Ps 142:4  When my spirit is slaughtered within me, You know my path. On the road where I walk They set a trap for me. Jer 5:26  For among my people there are wicked people; They spy like the birder who sets traps, They stretch nets, and take men. Jer 18:22  Let’s hear cries coming out of their homes, When suddenly thou shalt melt armed bands upon them! For they dug a pit to take me, They stretched nets under my feet. Os 5:1  Listen to this, priests! Be attentive, house of Israel! Lend an ear, the king’s house! For it is to you that the judgment is addressed, Because you have been a trap at Mitspa, And a net set on the Thabor.

  • Human weakness manifested by all men

Nb 11:14 I cannot, on my own, carry all this people, for it is too heavy for me. Mt 26:40  And he came to the disciples, whom he found asleep, and said to Peter, “So you could not watch an hour with me! Jn 16:12  I still have a lot to tell you, but you can’t wear them now. 1 Co 3:2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you could not bear it; and you cannot even now, because you are still carnal.

  • Physical sleep, general references to natural sleep:

Gen 15:12 At sunset a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold, a fright and great darkness came to assail him; Gen 28:11 He came to a place where he spent the night; for the sun had set. He took a stone there, which he made his bedside, and he lay down in that place. 1 S 26:12  So David took the spear and jug of water that were at Saul’s bedside; and they went away. No one saw them or noticed anything, and no one woke up, for they were all sleeping from a deep sleep into which Jehovah had plunged them. 1 The 19:5  He lay down and fell asleep under a broom. And behold, an angel touched him, and said to him: Get up, eat. Jb 4:13  At the moment when the visions of the night stir the mind, when men are delivered to a deep sleep; Dn 8:18  As he spoke to me, I was stunned, my face on the ground. He touched me, and made me stand in the place where I was. Jon 1:5  The sailors were afraid, they each implored their god, and they threw into the sea the objects that were on the ship, in order to make it lighter. Jonah went down to the bottom of the ship, lay down, and fell asleep deeply. Mt 8:24  And behold, there rose on the sea such a great storm that the boat was covered by the waves. And he was sleeping. Mt 26:40 And he came to the disciples, whom he found asleep, and said to Peter, “So you could not watch an hour with me!

From all the above we note that it is by working that we must support the weak; and this scene concerning Eutychus can make us think by analogy of the history of the responsible Church. Indeed, his sleep, his ruin and his apparent death, resulted from a lack of attention to the teaching of the apostles. However, the Lord allowed a revival followed by food and consolation for His people, waiting for the dawn of the great departure. Par true repentance, one judges oneself and one’s faults according to the holiness of God. By recognizing one’s guilt and the resulting judgment in this way, one is happy to grasp by faith the value of the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made to save the sinner. One understands  then the affliction caused by the departure of the one to whom, after God,  believers had to have been drawn from paganism to be part of this wonderful institution that is the Church of God. In closing, Paul records a word from the Lord Jesus: “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving(Acts 20:35). May we experience it by imitating the one who gave us everything! Our prayers support you and accompany you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may be shining in my life right now.

Thank you Lord Jesus for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby watering point to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow on “Paul continues his evangelistic journey in Tyre, Ptolemais…”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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