Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 19. 2 and following. Indeed, God revealed Himself successively by a double witness: The first is that of his creation (versets 2 to 7), whose silent but eloquent language makes known to the end of the world his power and wisdom (Acts 14:15-18). The regular and benevolent course of the sun, pouring out its light and warmth over the whole earth, is constant proof of God’s goodness to all his creatures (Ps 136:1-9; Mat 5:43-48). The second testimony is that of the Word (versets 8 to 12). Holy, just, good, spiritual, even if it were only the Law given to Israel (Rom 7:12-15), how much more it is even more valuable now that it is complete! This excellent Word instructs the servant and attains his conscience (which constitutes within every man a third testimony). It highlights both hidden (mistaken) sins and willful sins: one’s own will, the fruit of pride or pride (Numb 15:27-31).

For at the beginning of the epistle to the Romans, the same threefold testimony of creation (Rm 1:18-23), of consciousness (Rm 2:12-24) and of the Law is placed before man to highlight his state and lead him to salvation.  Here we find the meditation of a true worshipper who honors God for his works as well as for his word. The nations should have known God by His works (but they did not: Rom. 1), and Israel should have kept His word, that is, His law (but he did not: Rom. 2). Here the true worshipper therefore condemns both the nations and Israel, and glorifies God for the two great ordinances or testimonies he has given. God’s works and words have this double character: they glorify God and bring happiness to His creature, as we see in this psalm. Thus the firmament tells the work of the divine hands, but its vault also carries the sun which lavishes its warmth to all creation. In the same way the law is perfect, glorifying its author – as the firmament does, but also it restores the soul. The great manifestations of divine wisdom and power satisfy both the glory of God and the happiness of His creatures.

‘The heavens tell of the glory of God.’ This psalm consists of two parts, in the first David celebrates the glory of God manifested in his works; and, in the other, exalts and magnifies the knowledge of God that shines more clearly in his word. He mentions only the heavens; but, under this part of creation, which is the noblest, and whose excellence is the most visible. There is nothing so obscure or despicable, even in the smallest corners of the earth, where one cannot see certain marks of God’s power and wisdom; but as a more distinct image of him is engraved on the heavens, David particularly chose them for contemplation, so that their splendor may lead us to contemplate all parts of the world: When a man, looking at and contemplating the heavens, has been led to recognize God, he will also learn to reflect and admire his wisdom and power as they manifest themselves on the face of the earth,  not only in general, but even in the world, the smallest plants.

In this verse, the psalmist repeats one thing twice, according to his usual way: He presents the heavens as witnesses and preachers of the glory of God, attributing to the dumb creature a quality which, strictly speaking, does not belong to him, in order to reproach men more severely for their ingratitude, if they were touse it as follows:  clarify a testimony with senseless ears.  This way of speaking moves and affects us more powerfully than if he had said: The heavens show or manifest the glory of God. It is indeed a great thing that in the splendor of heaven a living image of God is presented to our sight; but, as the living voice has a greater effect in arousing our attention, or teaches us more surely and with more profit than mere contemplation, to which no oral instruction is added, we must mark the strength of the figure that the psalmist uses when he says that the heavens, by their preaching, proclaim the glory of God.

For the repetition he makes in the second clause is an explanation of the first. David shows how the heavens proclaim to us the glory of God, that is, by openly testifying that they were not assembled by chance, but were wonderfully created by the supreme architect. Foras we contemplate the heavens, we can only rise, through their contemplation, to the One who is their great Creator; and the beautiful arrangement and wonderful variety that distinguish the course and position of the heavenly bodies, as well as the beauty and splendor that manifest themselves in them, can only provide us with clear proof of his providence. Scripture, in fact, makes known to us the time and manner of creation; but the heavens themselves, though God need not say anything about it, proclaim quite loudly and distinctly that they have been madeby his hands: and this is more than enough to bear witness to men of his glory.  For as soonas we recognize that God is the supreme architect, who erected the beautiful fabric of the universe, our minds must necessarily be delighted with wonder at his infinite goodness, wisdom and power.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

The glory of the Lord in the universe; the law of the Lord:

·         Revelation by nature

Ps 19:2 The heavens tell of the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of his hands.  Ps 97:6 Heavens publish his righteousness, and all people see his glory.  Acts 14:17 though He has never ceased to bear witness to who He is, doing good, dispensing you from heaven with the rains and fertile seasons, giving you food in abundance, and filling your hearts with joy.  Rom 1:20 Indeed, God’s invisible perfections, his eternal power and divinity, have been seen as if by eye, since the creation of the world, when considered in his works. They are therefore inexcusable,

·         Works of God, general references

Ps 8:4 When I contemplate the heavens, work of your hands, The moon and the stars you have created: Ps 19:2 The heavens tell of the glory of God, and the expanse manifests the work of his hands.  Ps 26:7 To burst into thanksgiving, and tell all your wonders.  Ec 3:11 He does all good things in his time; even he has put in their hearts the thought of eternity, although man cannot grasp the work that God does, from beginning to end.  Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the lamb, saying: Your works are great and admirable, Lord God Almighty! Your ways are just and true, king of the nations!

·         Perfect law, perfection of divine law

Ps 19:8 The law of jehovah is perfect, it restores the soul; The testimony of Jehovah is true, it makes the ignorant wise.  Ps 119:142 Your righteousness is eternal righteousness, and your law is the truth.  Rom 7:12,14 The law, therefore, is holy, and the commandment is holy, just, and good. 14 We know, indeed, that the law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold to sin.  1 Tim 1.8 We are aware that the law is good, as long as it is used legitimately,

·         Wise thoughts

Ps 48:10 O God, we think of your goodness in the midst of your temple.  Ps 119:59 I reflect on my ways, and I direct my feet to your precepts.  Pr 12.5 The thoughts of the righteous are only fairness; The designs of the bad guys are nothing but fraud.  Rom 12:3 By the grace that has been given to me, I say to each of you not to have too high an opinion of yourself, but to put on modest feelings, according to the measure of faith that God has set out for each one.  Phil 4.8 For that matter, brethren, let all that is true, all that is honorable, all that is just, all that is pure, all that is lovable, all that deserves approval, that which is virtuous and praiseworthy, be the object of your thoughts.

From all the above, we note the testimonies given in the world or to Israel: Ps 19 provides us with two of these testimonies: first of all, creation, and especially creation in heaven, which is above man and has not been corrupted by him: this is a witness to God, like God. Then there is the law (verse 7), the law of Jehovah. Before this double witness, sin appears in a double aspect to the pious Jew in his humble condition: in the first place, he cannot say his sin, as he knows it little – and here he desires to be purified. Second, he sees actions committed out of pride; and of these, he desires to be kept. In this way it will be preserved to turn away from the Lord in anything. The apostle quotes this psalm (Rom 10:18) to show the glorious similarity of the ministry of heaven and the ministry of the gospel. The beneficent influence of heaven on earth is similar to that of the gospel on the world, both radiating their warmth in all places so that nothing escapes their fruitful and salutary action. For theministry of heaven to the earth, in its universality, is the image of the ministry of the gospel to the world. And it was no different from the divine ministry of the Lord Himself: In him was life, and life was the light of men; and this light, coming into the world, enlightens every man (John 1:4, 9). Such was the virtue and character of the light or ministry of the Son of God: in God’s plans everything was attained. Nothing in the universe is hidden from the heat of the sun, and today the gospel is preached under all heaven (Colossians 1:23). Sin is mentioned out of pride in Numbers 15 and Deuteronomy 17, and in the New Testament in Hebrews 6 and 10.  For the earth has no effort to make, no resistance to overcome, to receive the blessing from heaven, while it takes an exercise for man, like the psalmist here, for his soul to enjoy the blessing that the law (or the word) has in store for him.  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “the faithful celebrate the Creator and Savior God.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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