Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 15:1 and following. Indeed, after the sad observation of Psalm 14: … “There is no one who does good… Psalm 15 can rightly ask the question: “Who will stay in your tent…? Romans chapter 3, which quotes verses 1 to 3 of Psalm 14, then reveals the glorious truth that concerns us: Of these men, all proven sinners, God freely justifies those who believe (Rm 3:9-26).  For thecharacteristics of the faithful Israelite are also those that grace must produce in a Christian: justice and truth in walking, deeds and words; benevolence towards one’s neighbour; appreciation of good and evil according to divine measure (Esa 33:13-17).  This short psalm presents the righteous in the days of the “fool”,” the residue in the time of the last apostate covenant. Verses 2-5 can be read as the divine oracle’s answer to the question posed in verset 1.

For the subject of this psalm is not what title the sinner must possess in order to share in the kingdom. Such a subject would be treated in a very different way. This is the residue that manifests itself as practicing justice, in contrast to the iniquity workers of Ps 14. It is character  and not title that we are talking about here. It goes without saying that there is only one and the same title of access for every sinner, namely the precious blood of Christ that has been accepted by God.  We must make a general and important point here: it is that the residue fully enjoys the feeling of its relationship with Jehovah. Whatever the trial, whatever the condition of the residue, whatever the wickedness of the people or the oppression of the nations in the land, the faith of the residue looks to its relationship with Jehovah. This is why Jehovah is also seen as being in His temple, although for the time being there is still no manifestation of His power. The residue, therefore, is not envisaged either as yet entirely driven out of the country, nor is the power of the antichrist as manifested: when the antichrist establishes his power, there will be open revolt and the faithful will be forced to flee. But the wicked and the nations, as such, in the land, are in sight, and we learn clearly from Ps 11, that the expression: “the wicked” here refers to a character and not a person; that is why we have the plural everywhere, except in verseand 5, where the villain is contrasted with the right.

Then the Psalms that occupy us in this moment, pass over the expulsion of the residue from Jerusalem, introduce us in hope on another stage, and show us the deliverance effected by Jehovah when he really returned to Jerusalem: not, let us understand it well, the destruction of the antichrist by the coming of the Lord descending from heaven; but the expulsion of the Gentile oppressors by the Lord established in Zion. That is why all Israel is introduced (Ps 14:7), and deliverance comes from Zion. This is also why these Psalms, to the extent that they apply to Christ, have in view the time during which Christ walked on earth before his final rejection. In general they do not apply directly to him, except Ps 2 and 8, but to the residue; However, in his walk on earth since his baptism by John the Baptist, Christ publicly associated himself with the residue, in his grace, as at the end of his career, he tasted in grace the final sufferings of the faithful at the end of their history.

Forwe these Psalms present to us the state of the residue while it still has its place in the midst of the nations which have not yet openly broken with jehovah by apostasy, but whose wickedness is shown in fact and matures until its full development: the faithful precede, by faith, the time when the Lord, seated in Zion,  will deliver his people, throwing out of his land all the Gentiles, and bringing all Israel back from captivity. The whole scene of the last days is before us, except the last half week of the power of the antichrist. Jehovah is still in his home, publicly recognized. It was exactly so in the days of the Lord. Ps. 14:5 tells us about Elohim because it is not the relationship that is in question here, but God himself in his nature and character. It was not man, nor anything that was man, nor even the power of Satan, that was there, but God was with the righteous generation.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

What God asks of His faithful:

·         Spiritual necessities (divine requirements), general references

Dt 10:12 Now, Israel, what does Jehovah your God ask of you, except that you fear Jehovah, your God, in order to walk in all his ways, to love and serve Jehovah, your God, with all your heart and soul; Mi 6:8 You have been made known, O man, what is good; And what Jehovah asks of you is that you practice righteousness, that you love mercy, and that you walk humbly with your God.  Zec 7:9 Thus spoke the Lord of hosts: Truly render justice, and have goodness and mercy for one another.  Zec 8:16 This is what you must do: tell the truth each to his neighbor; judge in your doors according to the truth and for peace; Mt 19:17 He answered him: Why do you ask me about what is good? Only one is the right one. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments. Which? he said to her.

·         Righteousness, reward

Ps 7:11 My shield is in God, Who saves those whose hearts are straight.  Ps 37:37 Observe the one who is upright, and look upon the upright; For there is a posterity for the man of peace.  Ps 64:11 The righteous rejoice in the Lord and seek refuge in him, All who have a right heart glorify themselves.  Ps 97:11 Light is sown for the righteous, and joy for those whose hearts are straight.  Pr 10:9 He who walks in integrity walks with confidence, but he who takes tortuous paths will be discovered.

·         Telling the truth, the duty to

Pr 12:19 The truthful lip is strengthened forever, but the false tongue remains only for a moment.  Zec 8:16 This is what you must do: tell the truth each to his neighbor; judge in your doors according to the truth and for peace; Ml 2:6 The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found on his lips; He walked with me in peace and righteousness, and he turned many men away from evil.  Eph 4:25 Therefore, renounce lies, and let each of you speak according to the truth to your neighbor; for we are members of one another.  Eph 6:14 Stand firm, therefore: have truth in your loins as a belt; put on the armor of righteousness;

·         Condemned bribery

Ex 23:8 Thou shalt not receive a present; for the present blind those who have their eyes open and corrupt the words of the righteous.  Pr 17:23 The wicked secretly accepts gifts, to pervert the ways of righteousness.  Isaiah 5:23 Who justify the guilty for a present, and take away the rights of the innocent!  Isa 33:15 He who walks in righteousness, And who speaks according to righteousness, Who despises a gain acquired by extortion, Who shakes his hands not to accept a present, Who closes his ear so as not to hear bloodthirsty words, And who blindfolds himself so as not to see evil, Am 5:12 For, I know, your crimes are many, Your sins have multiplied; You oppress the righteous, you receive gifts, and you violate the right of the poor at the door.

From all of the above, we note that this psalm concludes a series of meditations and experiences begun in Ps. 11. All these psalms are the language of a soul who, oppressed by the feeling of wickedness characterizing the times it passes through, invokes God fervently. And since there is a clear and certain allusion to the last days, they are the language of the residue in those days. The question in verse 1 may be reminiscent of a similar phrase in Ps 24:3. But the answer given at the end of this psalm introduces the Messiah himself in a much clearer and more personal way than in Ps. 15. This verse recalls Rev 5:2, for a question is also asked: “Who is worthy to open the book and break its seals?” The glorious answer that is made reintroduces the Messiah, but there he appears in more complete, richer and more sublime glories, like the Lamb who was slain, and like the lion of the tribe of Judah.  Then comes the question: Who will share in the blessings of this holy mountain when the Lord has established in Zion the seat of His righteous power? Ps. 15 answers this question: He will be the one who walks in the integrity of his heart in the path of the law. Notice here that, while pious men, when everything is darkness around them, when wickedness has completely prevailed, when the foundations of all earthly hope on the part of men, even in things that concern God on earth, are destroyed, and wickedness has taken the place of justice,  – raise their eyes to the top and see the immutable throne in heaven, and thus all things in heaven and on earth put in relation together; however the point they have in sight is the Lord in the temple of his holiness, and the deliverance coming from Zion. This is, indeed, how things will be accomplished (Esa 66:6). The immutable throne in heaven will establish in power the long-empty throne on earth. Jehovah will be in His temple, but He will reign, in the person of Christ, in Zion. It is a Jewish deliverance in its character, and according to the just hopes of the Jews.  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “the King of Glory enters His Temple.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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