Beloved, I am happy to share with you today, the two next strophes of Psalms 119 and pertaining to zeal to have, as well as on a non-negotiable priority vis-a-vis the Word of God.

As a matter of fact, the Word appears as a comfort, an asset to be looked for with passion, and which bubbles up at entertainment of them that mock at any morale harshness searching.

Moreover, them that model their life on the Word of God lay themselves open to insults, because their righteousness irritates. This should turn the mockers to their own consciousness.

Finally, keeping God’s Law is what matters for a community: and His teaching should be kept without delay and reminded day and night. Therefore, the importance attached to such a value or to such a cause is being assessed through the effort invested to promote the law of God.

So be it, the law of our Lord God: it’s a non-negotiable priority.


Psalms 119:49 Keep in mind your word to your servant, for on it has my hope been fixed.

50 This is my comfort in my trouble; that your sayings have given me life.

51 The men of pride have made great sport of me; but I have not been turned from your law.

52 I have kept the memory of your decisions from times past, O Lord; and they have been my comfort.

53 I am burning with wrath, because of the sinners who have given up your law.

54 Your rules have been melodies to me, while I have been living in strange lands.

55 I have given thought to your name in the night, O Lord, and have kept your law.

56 This has been true of me, that I have kept your orders in my heart.


57 The Lord is my heritage: I have said that I would be ruled by your words.

58 I have given my mind to do your pleasure with all my heart; have mercy on me, as you have said.

59 I gave thought to my steps, and my feet were turned into the way of your unchanging word.

60 I was quick to do your orders, and let no time be wasted.

61 The cords of evil-doers are round me; but I have kept in mind your law.

62 In the middle of the night I will get up to give you praise, because of all your right decisions.

63 I keep company with all your worshippers, and those who have your orders in their memory.

64 The earth, O Lord, is full of your mercy: give me knowledge of your rules.

We pray that you all become zealous for the Law of the Almighty God.


I now invite anyone who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me as follows :

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I acknowledge that I have sinned against you and ask forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as my Lord and personal Savior. I acknowledge that you died on the cross of Calvary and that you rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me each day to eternal life you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal to me and strengthen my heart and my faith so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me in your divine family so that I too can contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

To you all adoration, power, and glory, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to revert on your queries as necessary before sharing next week on profit that you may make in dark periods, and on spiritual contagion.

May the Amighty God bless you in abundance.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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