Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Pr 19:1 and following. Indeed, “the lack of knowledge in a soul is not a good thing” (verse 2). For this soul is obviously exposed to all the dangers it ignores. Moreover, he who is not restrained by the warnings of the Word may act or speak hastily and stumble (that is, sin; verse 2). Several verses tell us about the poor. The esteem enjoyed by men in the world is often proportional to their wealth. The poor, even when assisted, are easily despised (James 2:5-7). But God remembers that His Son was “the Poor” here on earth. He takes into his own hands the cause of those of them who walk in integrity (verse 1;  Pr 22:22-23) and He will open His heaven to them (Luke 14:15-24 and Lc 16:19-31). “Riches make many friends” (verse 4;  Pr 14.20). Strange friends, enemies rather than those flattering companions who contribute to the ruin of their “victim” (Pr 18:24)! However, the stripped and abandoned man can then discover the Friend who remains to him. Jesus is the One who is “more attached than a brother.”

Laziness, especially laziness to listen to (Hebrews 5:5-11), still has many disastrous consequences for the “careless soul.” It “causes the one who should watch to wait for the Lord to fall into a deep sleep” (Matthew 25:1-13). It produces soul hunger and spiritual scarcity (Pr 20:13). And, dear friend, if your soul is hungry, do not seek to deceive it with “that which does not satiate” (Isaiah 55:1-3). Only one food suits him: the Word of God. To be nourished by Christ, true Bread of heaven, is according to verse 23 the assurance of not being visited by evil. Next to the words of knowledge, there is an instruction that makes one wander (1 Tim 6:20-21), the fruit of the many thoughts of man’s heart. To listen to him is to deviate from the path of obedience, so it is to need correction. Let us not only give this word the meaning of punishment, but think of the pilot who corrects his course and corrects the course of his aircraft according to the indications of the control tower. This must be the effect of the Lord’s correction on us: to make us return to the right direction. It is the privilege of the son (Pr 13:24), and the intelligent man knows how to take advantage of it (Pr 9:7-8).

Better the poor who walks in his integrity, than the one who is perverse of lips and who is a fool (v. 1). Chapter 18, v. 23 introduces the question of the poor, which is dealt with more specifically in this chapter. Advantage of the poor when he walks in his integrity, over the one whose speeches are perverse and who is foreign to the thoughts of God. Integrity is always found in the path of Wisdom. The poor possess nothing outwardly, but his heart has the full approval of God; it is true wisdom, in contrast to the madness that reveals through his speeches what is in the heart. Similarly, the lack of knowledge in a soul is not a good thing, and the one who hurries his feet flinches (v. 2). The lack of knowledge in the foolish is not a good thing, while the poor have the good part in walking in the path of wisdom. This lack of knowledge leads to a walk marked by falls; knowledge, on the contrary, has a thoughtful walk that avoids sin.

Man’s folly perverts his way, and his heart is irritated against the Lord. This verse continues to take care of the walk. God places a way before man, his folly changes him into a bad way. This is the opposite of a march of integrity, but instead of judging himself, man accuses God of having led him there. Wealth makes many friends, but the poor are separated from his friend (Pr 14. 20). The rich have many friends; we see, 18:24, where it leads, but the path of the poor separates him from the very one on whom he thought he could rely the most. We see in this same v. 24 of chapter 18 the friend who remains to him, and whom we find in Christ. The false witness will not be considered innocent and the one who utters lies will not escape. See 14:5, 25. I would be willing to see in this verse a link to the previous ones. The poor also deal with false witnesses and lies. So it was with Christ. The day will come when they will be found guilty and will not escape. Notice the repetition of this same passage in v. 9. Many people seek the favor of a nobleman, and everyone is a friend of a man who gives (Pr 18:16).

This is always in contrast to the poor as seen in the next verse. For the material benefits they provide, the favor of those who are high-ranking and generous is sought. All the brothers of the poor hate him; how farther will his friends get away from him! He pursues them with his words… they are no longer there! What a contrast! Hated by his brothers, abandoned by his friends, the poor remain alone. He appeals to their pity; no response; they are fainted! He remains in absolute isolation! Is it not the “There was no one” of Ps. 69? He who acquires meaning loves his soul; the one who keeps the intelligence is to find happiness. This sentence is remarkable between v. 7 and v. 9. It is a question here of acquiring meaning and keeping intelligence, two things that only wisdom can give, to find the happiness and good of one’s soul. In this world everything tends to make us lose these things, because what we encounter there (vs. 1-7) contradicts them. So the Word teaches us: “Blessed is he who understands the poor! On the wrong day, the Lord shall deliver him” (Ps. 41:2). The false witness will not be held innocent, and the one who utters lies will perish (v. 9). This repetition of v. 5 acquires its full meaning here. In v. 8 the poor have the intelligent, the sons of wisdom, with him; they are blessed. Those who have spoken out against him in false witness will perish.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

The Lord and Daily Life:

  • Drunkenness, warning against

Pr 20.1 Wine is mocking, strong drinks are tumultuous; Anyone who overdoes it is not wise.  Pr 23:20 Do not be among the drinkers of wine, Among those who make excess of meats: Lk 21:34 Beware of yourselves, lest your hearts dwell on the excesses of eating and drinking, and by the worries of life, and that this day may come upon you unexpectedly;  Ep 5:18 Don’t get drunk on wine: it’s debauchery. Be, on the contrary, filled with the Spirit;

  • Poverty, evils leading to culpable poverty

-Indolence Pr 6:10-11 A little sleep, a little drowsiness, A little cross your hands to sleep!… 11 And poverty will surprise you, like a prowler, and famine, like a man in arms.

-Sordid avarice Pr 11:24 Tel, who gives liberally, becomes richer; And such, who saves excessively, only becomes impoverished.

-Love of pleasure Pr 21:17 He who loves joy remains in poverty; The one who loves wine and oil does not get rich.

-Drunkenness and gluttony Pr 23:21 For the drunkard and the one who indulges in excesses become impoverished, And drowsiness makes bear rags.

-Bad acquaintances Pr 28:19 He who cultivates his field is satiated with bread, but he who pursues vain things is satiated with poverty.

  • Universal sin

Gen 6:5 Jehovah saw that the wickedness of men was great on earth, and that all thoughts of their hearts were directed every day only toward evil.  1 Kings 8:46 When they sin against you, for there is no man who sins, when you are irritated against them and deliver them to the enemy, who will take them captive to an enemy land, distant or close; Rom 3:23 For all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God; 1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

  • Hope in God, commanded

Ps 25:5 Lead me into your truth, and teach me; For you are the God of my salvation, You are always my hope.  Ps 62:6 Yes, my soul, trust in God! For from him comes my hope.  Pr 20:22 Do not say: I will return evil. Hope in the Lord, and He will deliver you.  Isaiah 8:17 I hope in the Lord, Who hides his face in the house of Jacob; I place my trust in him.

From all the above, we note that the one who ruins his father and drives out his mother is a son who shames and brings opprobrium. This is the most terrible form of evil among those that are listed and will be again. All that remains here is the form of family relationships, but the “unfortunate times” have arrived. He who still bears the name of a son, but has only the appearance of one, is not only disobedient, but ungrateful, without piety, without natural affection, implacable (2 Tim. 3:2-3). What a shame! What opprobrium! “Turn away,” it is said, “such people!” My son, stop listening to the instruction that makes us wander away from the words of knowledge. On the other hand, this word is addressed to the son of Wisdom, but there is an instruction to which he seems to listen and which, while having the name of instruction of wisdom, is intended to mislead those who listen to it and to distance them from the words that bring us the thoughts of God. How seasonal this warning is in the days we are going through! A witness of Belial mocks the right judgment and the mouths of the wicked swallow the iniquity. After the doctrines of error in v. 27, here we have the satanic witness who comes to declare that there is no divine appreciation of what is happening. This iniquity suits the wicked who swallows it as one swallows water (Job 15:16). Judgments are prepared for mockers, and blows for the backs of fools (Pr 10:13; 26:3).” This is the end of all the inequities that are listed here. There is no remission for mockers whose character we have already defined. Judgment is prepared for them, as “Topheth has been prepared for a long time” (Isa 30:33). The foolish, the obstinate ignorant, will receive a less severe punishment. Is there still any hope for them? All thoughts are linked in this chapter in an even more remarkable way than in ChapterItre 16. Notice above all the place occupied by the poor, the role of the fear of the Lord, the instruction of wisdom that protects the son from danger, finally, in the last verses the development of all forms of evil that end in judgment without remission. If we love our soul – and we have nothing more precious – let’s ensure that it is taught to acquire meaning, and our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “Continuation of proverbs on the moral life (Pr 20).

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God

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