Beloved, I have the joy of sharing with you today the above theme from Pr 7:1-2 and following. Indeed, thischapter illustrates in the most solemn way the danger that the foreign woman poses to the young son of wisdom. This is a true hunt for the soul (Pr 6:20-29).  On the lookout: this impure, noisy and unrestrained woman. She camouflages her evil intentions under religious exteriors (verse 14). She goes, comes, watches her prey with the complicity of the night. His weapons: gentle words and the flapping of his eyelids (Pr 2:10-22;  Pr 5.3-4;  Pr 6:20-29). His victim: a light, idle young man, defeated in advance because he has no will and is dominated by his senses.

The scene is quickly played: unconscious, stupid, “he went immediately after her”. The trap of the birder – that is, Satan – immediately closed (v. 23; Ps 91:1-4). Too late! Pleasures of a moment, but paid for what price! Because “his life is at stake”… and he did not know it (verse 23). Warned as you are, young Christians, you are even more responsible. But you also know where to find the resource: “How will a young man make  his way pure? It will be by taking care of it according to your word” (Ps 119:9). Ponder the example of Joseph and his firm response in Gen 39:7-12. And, in the hour of danger, cry out to the One who is always “in a position to rescue those who are tempted” (Hb 2:14-18).

There is a difference in Proverbs between the prostitute, the foreign woman and adultery. The first lives in corruption, with no link that binds it to society; the second does not take into account her natural relationships while keeping their appearance, as we have the example in the Samaritan woman; moreover, it has no relationship with God’s people; the third broke God’s ordained bond herself. It is an open revolt against the established and recognized order of Jehovah for his people. This chapter tells us about the foreign woman (chapter 6, especially the bad woman and the adulterous woman). He presents us with the trap into which a son of Wisdom can fall when he is simple, that is, he lacks meaning, and does not tell us about the corrupt habits of a world that this same son can, under the guidance of Wisdom, cross as if he is not.

Here the Word is the great condom of evil, and we cannot insist on it enough. “How will a young man make his way pure? It will be by beingware according to your Word” (Ps. 119:9). Through the Word, God’s truth and will are infused in advance into his heart, so that he is on guard when temptation arises. The Word must be associated with all our deeds, bound on our fingers, but we must also have written it on the tablet of our hearts, be part of and inseparable from our secret thoughts and affections. The reception of the Word makes us aware of new relationships and a new nature that bring us into intimacy with Wisdom and Intelligence (v. 4). Thus, by these very relationships, we are guarded from the foreign woman, to seek relations with the corrupt world, whose friendship or bait deprives us of any communion with God. And yet, the young man who enters the scene here is a son! Never, we repeat, is this name applied in Proverbs to the children of the world; but the carnal nature of this young man makes him a “simple”, a man deprived of meaning, incapable of discernment, unable to be distinguished from the men of the world, themselves devoid of meaning, who surround him.

For the whole chapter is a continuation of the strangled woman and the warning against her. The Word and law of the Lord will keep the obedient son away from her. If Solomon had obeyed the Word of God, so as not to multiply women (Deuteronomy 17:17), his end would not have been spent in degrading communion with the prostitutes of other nations. The description is very graphic. What the word describes is as important in the great centers of Christendom as it was thousands of years ago in Babylon and Egypt. And it’s still true: She shot many woundeds. Yes, many strongmen were killed by her. His home is the way to hell, Descent into the Chambers of Death. Even Solomon, after receiving these inspired descriptions and warnings, should have forgotten them all.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

An unfaithful woman seduces a young man:

  • Obedience to parents, commanded

Pr 1:8 Listen, my son, to the instruction of your father, and do not reject the teaching of your mother;  Pr 6:20 My son, keep your father’s precepts, and do not reject your mother’s teaching.  Eph 6:1 Children, obey your parents, according to the Lord, for this is right.  Col 3:20 Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is pleasing in the Lord.

  • Secret sins, called works of darkness

Jb 24:14 The murderer rises to the point of day, kills the poor and the destitute, and steals during the night.  Pr 7:9 It was at dusk, during the evening, in the middle of the night and darkness.  Jn 3:20 For whoever does evil hates the light, and does not come to the light, lest his works be revealed;  Rom 13:12 Night is advanced, day is approaching. Let us therefore strip ourselves of the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light.

  • Betrayal, the kiss of betrayal

2 Sam 15:5 And when someone approached to prostrate himself before him, he would reach out to him, grab him, and kiss him.  2 Sam 20:9 Joab said to Amasa, “Are you well, my brother?” And with his right hand he grabs Amasa’s beard to fuck him.  Pr 27:6 A friend’s wounds prove his faithfulness, but an enemy’s kisses are deceitful.  Mk 14:45 As soon as he arrived, he approached Jesus, saying, Rabbi! And he fucked him.

  • Pleasure of the world, fruits of a life dedicated to the search for pleasure

-Poverty Pr 21:17 He who loves joy remains in poverty; The one who loves wine and oil does not get rich.

-The false security Esa 47.8 Listen now to this, voluptuous, Who sits you with confidence, And who says in your heart: I, and nothing but me! I will never be a widow, and I will never be deprived of children!

Spiritual sterility Lk 8:14 What has fallen among the thorns are those who, having heard the word, leave, and let it suffocate by the worries, riches and pleasures of life, and they bear no fruit that comes to maturity.

-The presumption Lk 12:19 and I will say to my soul: My soul, you have many goods in reserve for several years; rest, eat, drink, and rejoice.

Spiritual death 1 Tim 5:6 But the one who lives in pleasures is dead, though alive.

-The incessant search for entertainment 2 P 2.13 thus receiving the wages of their iniquity. They find their delights in indulging in pleasure in broad daylight; Men tarred and defiled, they delight in their deceptions, making good food with you.

From all the above, we note that it’s not deliberately that he acts like this, but he is “idle” and “simple”, and there are in him all the elements of a fall. He did not cultivate the friendship of intelligence and holy relationships with Wisdom; he did not keep the commandments and teachings of the parents and let the natural state of his heart rise from the bottom and spread to the surface. Ah! if he had heeded the exhortation in chap. 6:6-11, concerning laziness! But no, an unhealthy curiosity, a consequence of idleness, makes him follow this path. It is not that his will pushes him there, but an unsettled life, by virtue of the lack of activity, commits him to this path, almost without his knowledge. This inactivity leaves a certain freedom to the bad desires that lie dormant. He will, without perhaps realizing it, seek adventure … and it’s night.  Certainly, this is not the hour of Wisdom that lives in full light and spreads it around it. There is idleness, curiosity about the things of the night, a consciousness that easily accommodates the darkness. What can there be? He was not looking for the opportunity; it’s not her fault that she showed up! No doubt, but the occasion always seizes unguarded souls, ready accordingly to be seduced, while wisdom is never dominated by the occasion, but seizes it for good (Eph. 5:16). So what did he want? What was he waiting for when he walked at dusk, if not to covet, vaguely perhaps, what would come his way, to consider with curiosity “the corner where this woman lived”? Boldness, noise, incessant agitation, a mind always on the alert, cunning, effrontery, hardening, characterize the stranger. It seizes the one who is without will against evil, invades it. To all these characters she adds sweet words and flattery. Ah! if he had enjoyed this precious peace that Wisdom brings, if he had realized The fear of Jehovah which is to hate evil and love good, he would have abhorred all this noise and all these words. Of course not! Here he is trapped; it goes headlong like beef to the butcher’s shop; like a man, with garrotted feet, walking in small steps until the deadly trait pierces his liver. Alas! it is no longer in vain that the net is stretched out in front of the bird (1:17) which hurries towards the trap! But God uses these things for the instruction of His sons.  “Their lives are at stake” (v. 23). It is therefore necessary to listen, for fear of “going down to the chambers of death”!  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” The Activity of Wisdom; The origins of wisdom; Creative wisdom (Pr 8).

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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