Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 140. 2 and following. Indeed, thispsalm gives us a glimpse of how believers in the rest of Israel will suffer during the terrible times of great distress. God’s grace has so far saved us from persecution in our countries. But it is good to ask ourselves sometimes this question: if tomorrow we had to suffer again as a Christian, would I still want to bear this name? Moreover, let us never forget that we are constantly dealing with enemies, all the more formidable as they are familiar to us. This evil, violent man (verse 2), who meditates on evil (verse 3), who adorns his tongue like a serpent (verse 3) and strives to make my steps stumble (verse 5), the epistle to the Romans reveals to me a frightening thing about him: he dwells in my own heart (Rom 3:9-18;  Rm 7:14-19). But the same epistle contains, so to speak, his announcement of death (Rm 6:1-9). Death has delivered me from this “old man“; I no longer have to fight him but to consider him crucified with Christ. As for the Enemy from outside, it is also God who protects me from it. “The Lord is the force of my salvation,” said the faithful; you have covered my head in the day of arms” (verse 8). The helmet of salvation is an indispensable part of God’s complete armor (Eph 6:13-20).

We note that Psalms 140 to 150 constitute another collection that first presents us with the prayers, and then the praises, of God’s Israel in the last days. They may have been composed at different times and for different people (as we have noticed about Psalms 120 to 134), but they are gathered here, and, in their full and ultimate application, concern this Jewish residue according to the election: the affliction and deliverance of this residue will mark the end of this period and the advent of the kingdom. Thus, these psalms form a worthy and magnificent conclusion to the entire book.

Here, the faithful of God’s Israel speak more like martyrs than penitents. And from the moral point of view, it is once again appropriate that this should be the case. For the faithful are now on the threshold of the kingdom.

The Spirit of Christ is distinctly heard in the midst of His Israel. He makes their sorrows his own and expresses them as if he himself were enduring them. It is an individual prayer  that we hear; and the psalmist addresses the enemy or speaks of him in the singular as well. But the one who speaks is Christ entering into sympathy with Israel according to his heart; and as for the enemy, he is only the leader of a broad coalition, as other passages show so clearly.

The psalmist’s afflictions have the character of those david endured on saul’s part, not those he felt on Absalom’s. And it was these afflictions (the afflictions of a martyr) that, in his case too, brought him to the threshold of the kingdom. However, David experienced consolations as well as trials. He was chased like a partridge in the mountains; he was betrayed by the ungrateful men of Kehila, and by the servile Ziphians. Even his companions, in the fever and anguish of a difficult hour, talk about stoning him. But he had the sword of Goliath, and with him the prophet and the priest; for him too the refreshment of Abigail’s faith; with him the power of the Lord against the Amalekites, those cruel hereditary enemies of Israel (then at the height of their pride); and it is given to him to share their remains with his beloved in the land. All this is the story of David in 1 Sam. 21 to 30, in the days of his exile from Israel because of Saul’s opposition. And we also have in these psalms the days of distress for Jacob, as the prophet Jeremiah says (30:7); but Jacob will be saved. Just as through his sufferings, the rejected and exiled anointed was raised to the kingdom; likewise, these psalms first show us a soul overwhelmed by the night, but finally leave it before our eyes in the joy of the morning returned, the eternal morning – the dawn of the reign.

In this psalm, the afflicted residue is tested by the hostility of the “violent man,” the “man with the wrong tongue, and their associates. The faithful (and Jesus, their great precursor at the same time as their Lord sympathizing with them in all their distress) implore God’s protection against the machinations of these enemies, and call judgment on them: especially the judgment of “fire” and “abyss” on the leaders, the “heads” (vs. 10, 11 and Rev 19:20; 20:1). The faithful then express their assurance that the Lord, in whom he puts all his trust, will sustain His cause, which is that of the poor and the just.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Prayer of a man on the run:

  • Bad imagination

Ps 38:13 Those who resent my life set their traps; Those who seek my misfortune say wickedness, and meditate all day on deceptions.  Pr 6:18 The heart that meditates on iniquitous plans, The feet that hasten to run to evil, Ez 8:12 And he said to me: Son of man, do you see what the elders of the house of Israel do in the darkness, each in his room full of figures? For they say: The Lord does not see us, the Lord has abandoned the land.  Rom 1:21 since they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor did they give thanks to Him; but they lost their minds, and their mindsless hearts were plunged into darkness.

  • Quarrelsome spirit

Ps 120:7 I am for peace; but as soon as I speak, They are for war.  Ps 140:3 Who meditate on evil designs in their hearts, and are always ready to wage war!  Pr 17:19 He who loves quarrels loves sin; Whoever raises his door seeks ruin.  Pr 26.21 Coal produces a blaze, and firewood; Thus a quarrelsome man heats up an argument.

  • God our strength

Ps 28:8 The Lord is the strength of His people, He is the rock of the deliverances of His anointed.  Ps 73:26 My flesh and heart can be consumed: God will always be the rock of my heart and my sharing.  Ps 84:6 Blessed are those who place their support in you! They find in their hearts paths all mapped out.  Ps 89:22 My hand will sustain him, and my arm will strengthen him.

  • Thanksgiving, orderly

Ps 50:14 Offer for sacrifice to God thanksgiving, and fulfill your vows to the Most High.  Ps 92:2 It is beautiful to praise the Lord, and to celebrate your name, O Most High!  Eph 5:20 continually give thanks for all things to God the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; 1 Thes 5:18 Give thanks in all things, for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ.

From all the above, we note that theenemies that are seen here are – it appears too clear for doubt to be allowed – these great characters, apostates and iniquitous of the last days – the “Beast” and the “False Prophet”, with the armies of their allies. At different times during the development of the iniquity of men, this coalition of kings and counselors was assembled against the anointed of jehovah. The Pharaoh and his magicians resisted Moses; as well as later, Balak and Balaam. Saul went to consult the woman who evoked the spirits, awful abomination in the country; Absalom and Akhitophel conspired against David. The Jews with Caiaphas, and King Herod, gang up against the One who is truly the Anointed of God. In the last days the Beast and the false prophet will oppose the seed of the righteous in the land, and will undermine the power and glory of the Lord Himself. Whether in Egypt, Midian, Israel or Christianity, it was, it will be (and in spirit it always is) man availing himself of his abilities, his strength and his science all together. But the Lord will show that He sits above the waves, and that He is king over all things forever. He will laugh at them.  In the five Psalms that follow we are on the same ground that we have already walked in great detail; only, they apply to an Israel restored, but still in battle, and is not fully blessed. In Ps. 140, the faithful ask to be delivered from the evil man and the violent man. Israel is in relationship with the Lord, but the proud embrace it on all sides.  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” Prayer of the faithful who is in extreme distress (Ps 141).

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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