Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 76:1-2 and following. Indeed, the time will come when God will make his abode in the midst of his people Israel in order to make himself known to him and through him (verses 2 and 3). But, in the present time, He has not left Himself without testimony. It is through the Assembly, “dwelling of God by the Spirit, that His diverse wisdom is now given to be known (Eph 2:17-22 and Ep 3:8-13). And what does he expect from us, if not that Jesus is really made visible around us by our means!

The residue considers and exalts the power that will have delivered it. God is resplendent and magnificent… “fearsome” also in the judgment he will perform and by which he will save “all the debonairs of the earth”. They will have manifested the characters of their great Model, “meek and humble of heart” (Mat 5:3-12; Myt 11:28-30), in contrast to “the strong of heart” (verse 6): in other words, the proud. They will have suffered at the hands of the latter because of their faith. Indeed, the faithful believer is often despised, rejected, persecuted in a selfish and harsh world; but this will not always be the case. Verse 11 gives us an understanding of how God will intervene on behalf of His people. He will use the wrath of men who will destroy each other. 

This psalm also links to the previous ones. For if Ps 74 is the cry of the residue contemplating the ruin of Zion, and if Ps 75 presents the Messiah defying the enemy and ascending to the throne of the kingdom in response to the cry of the faithful, this psalm presents him to us seated in Zion, which therefore is no longer desolate, but is hailed as the throne and sanctuary of the Lord, made more magnificent than the mountains of the rapine – the previous kingdoms of the nations. The name of God, previously become “near” by His works in judgment, is now “great” in Israel (Ps 75:2; Ps 76:2). Although the thought of the Spirit goes beyond that, this psalm may have been written on the occasion of the rout of Sancherib. For this wonderful deliverance was carried out especially in favor of Zion (2 Kings 19:20-35). That is why the king of Assyria was told: “The virgin, daughter of Zion, despises you, she mocks you.” Similarly here the psalmist declares that it was in Zion that God broke the lightning of the bow, the shield, and the sword and the battle (verse 4).

Verse 7 can make us think of Ps 2:12. In a magnificent song, the people celebrate this high fact. At the end of the psalm, the prophet of God who had anticipated all this draws the moral lesson: Jehovah establishes his glory on the unfolding of the violence and iniquity of man (Exodus 9:14, 16, 29) of which he triumphs entirely, to surround himself at last with a people of happy worshippers, subjugating the whole earth, in pious submission, to his scepter of King of Kings. The kingdoms of nations are described with a fitting title: “the mountains of rapine (or: of prey)”. Speaking of them, Daniel said, “these great beasts” (7:17). In God’s eyes these kingdoms are the lairs of wild beasts.

God is known in Judah’.  Initially, we are taught that it was not by human means that the enemies of Israel were forced to withdraw without accomplishing anything, but by the help of the Lord who is always remembered. Hence ‘this knowledge of God and the greatness of his name’ that we are talking about, but because He reached out in an extraordinary way, to manifest it openly that the chosen people and the city were under his defense and protection? It is therefore asserted that the glory of God was evident when Israel’s enemies were baffled by such a miraculous intervention.

‘His tent is in Salem’.  Here the reason is assigned why God, putting the Assyrians on the run, vouched to deliver the city of Jerusalem and take it under his protection. The reason for this was that he had chosen for himself a house where his name was to be invoked. The amount, in short, is first, that men had no reason to arrogate to themselves somewhere in the deliverance of the city represented here, God having shown strikingly that all glory was His, displaying from heaven His power in the eyes of all men; and, second, that He was led to oppose His enemies without any consideration other than that of His free choice of the Jewish nation. Since God, by this example, testified that his power is invincible to preserve his Church, it is a call and an encouragement to all the faithful to rest with confidence under his shadow. For ifhis name is precious to him, it is not an ordinary pledge and security that he gives to our faith when he assures us that it is his will that the greatness of his power be known in the preservation of his Church.

Moreover, as the Church is a distinguished theatre on which divine glory unfolds, we must always take the utmost care not to envelop or bury in oblivion, by our ingratitude, the benefits which have been bestowed upon her, and especially those which they should keep in memory at all ages. Further, although God is not now worshipped in the visible tabernacle, but as through Christ he still dwells in our midst, even in us, we will experience, whenever we are exposed to danger, that under his protection we are in perfect security. For ifthe earthly sanctuary of Jerusalem offered God’s ancient people help while they stood, we can be assured that they will care no less about us who live today, when we consider that they are committed to choosing us as their temples where they can dwell by his Holy Spirit. Here, the prophet, speaking of Jerusalem, simply uses the name Salem, which was the simple, uncomplicated name of the city, and applied very anciently, as it appears in Genesis 14:18.

For understanding and wisdom are taken away from princes; and God is represented to them as terrible, because he will drive them headlong from their height. And the first thing necessary to lead a business to a successful outcome is to have good foresight, in which God’s people are often deficient in the great perplexity in which they are involved in the midst of their distresses, while, on the other hand, the ungodly are too perceptive in their cunning plans; it is stated here that it is God’s power to deprive comprehension and inflict blindness on those who seem to surpass others in acuity and ingenuity. Since most princes are enemies of God’s Church, it is expressly stated that he is terrible enough to subdue all the kings of the earth. When it is said that their minds are cut off, or taken away from them, we must limit ourselves to the tyrants and thieves that God enthuses, because he sees that they apply all their ingenuity and advice to do harm.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

In Zion, God ends the war:

·         Spiritual knowledge, general references

-Ground of glory Jer 9:23 Thus saith the Lord: Let the wise not glorify himself with his wisdom, Let the strong not glorify himself with his strength, Let the rich not glorify himself with his wealth.

-Obtained through a personal relationship with God Hos 6:3 Let’s know, seek to know Jehovah; His coming is as certain as that of the dawn. It will come for us as the rain, as the rain of spring that waters the earth.

-Obedience, a necessary condition for receiving John 7:16-17 Jesus answered them: My doctrine is not of me, but of the one who sent me. 17 If anyone wants to do his will, he will know if my doctrine is of God, or if I speak of my leader.

-Free the soul from all error Jn 8:31-32 And he said to the Jews who had believed in him: If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples; 32 you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

-Led to eternal truth Jn 17:3 Now, eternal life is that they know you, the only true God, and the one you have sent, Jesus Christ.

·         Humiliation of sinners predicted as a threat

Ps 35:26 May all together be ashamed and confused, Those who rejoice in my misfortune! Let them put on ignominy and opprobrium, Those who rise up against me! Isa 13:11 I will punish the world for its malice, and the wicked for their iniquities; I will put an end to the pride of the haughty, and I will bring down the arrogance of the tyrants. Jer 23:40 I will put upon you an eternal opprobrium and eternal shame, Who will not be forgotten.  Ez 28:8 They will throw you into the pit, and you will die like those who fall pierced with blows, In the midst of the seas.

·         Own justification, the sinner cannot be approved by God

1 Sam 6:20 The people of Beth Schémesch said: Who can subsist in the presence of the Lord, of this holy God? And to whom should the ark ascend, moving away from us? Ps 76:8 You are fearsome, O you! Who can resist you, when your anger erupts? Ps 130:3 If you kept the memory of iniquities, Jehovah, Lord, who could subsist? Rev 6:17 for the great day of his wrath has come, and who can subsist?

·         Lowering, general references to the lowering of the proud

Ps 18:28 You save the people who humble themselves, and you lower the haughty looks. Ps 106:43 Several times he delivered them; But they were rebellious in their designs, and they became unhappy by their iniquity. Isaiah 10:12 But when the Lord has done all His work on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, I will punish the king of Assyria for the fruit of his proud heart, and for the arrogance of his haughty looks. Mt 11:23 And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted up to heaven? No. Thou shalt be lowered until the sojourn of the dead; for if the miracles that were done in your midst had been done in Sodom, it would still exist today.

From all the above, we can notice the glorious truth revealed by verse 11, knowing that all things, even those least predisposed to it, such as the “wrath of man”- will turn to the praise of God; and all that does not contribute to this happy result will be removed from the scene, foiled, so to speak, by the sovereign power of God. Shouldn’t we rejoice at this thought? Evil and disorder may seem to invade everything, but there will be nothing in this immense confusion that does not unite his voice with the praises that will rise to the centuries of the throne and in the presence of the Lord, to contribute to their harmony and greatness. For the application of this Psalm to the judgment of kings who come in their pride against Jerusalem, and unexpectedly find the Lord Himself there, is simple (Micah 4:11-13 and Zech. 14:3, 4). God’s judgment is told, and the psalmist celebrates God as having his home in Zion. He is the God of Jacob and he is known in Judah: his judgment was heard from heaven. Zion, long despised, is more glorious than “the mountains of rapine,” than the high places of human violence.  The earth was afraid and stood in silence when God rose to fulfill judgment and to save all the debonairs of the earth. Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and for centuries of ages. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “Zion, Glorious City of God.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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