Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 119:1-2 and following. Indeed, “Blessed are those who listen to the Word of God and keep it,” the Lord Jesus said to the crowds (Luke 11:27-28). It’s this happiness and privilege that this magnificent psalm will keep us alive throughout. Blessed are those who have integrity (pure in heart, Mat 5:3-12), who take pleasure in the Lord’s testimonies and who delight in His status. But doubly happy are those who carefully keep these statutes and walk in them. A serious question is asked in verse 9: It makes no sense to the young men of the world who openly mock the “scruples” of the young believer. But for the latter, it is crucial: “How will a young man make his way pure?” The answer immediately follows: “It will be by taking care of it according to your word”. Let’s retain this secret of a pure walk, free from sin against God and also against our own bodies (1 Cor 6:18). For hiding the Word in our hearts, by engraving essential passages like this verse 9 on it, we will be armed for “the bad day” when temptation will arise (Eph 6:13). For if we carefully keep His precepts, the faithful God will keep us with the same care. May His Word dwell in us richly! (Col 3:16).

When we open our Bible, let’s always begin by asking the Lord to open our eyes to discern its wonders. But may He at the same time divert our gaze from “vanity”, and how many objects this word covers! For it is not possible to find pleasure both in the Word and in the things of this world, such as the love of riches (Luke 16:10-13). Another obstacle that too often closes the Scriptures to us is a bad conscience. How can we enjoy what is taking us back? We must first confess our fault or our state. “I have declared my ways to you,” said the psalmist; and then he can add “teach me…” (Psalm 32:5-8); make me understand…; give me intelligence… “, all prayers pleasing to the Lord. His testimonies are “my advisors.”

For the Word of God rules the whole life of the believer: It allows him to respond when he is wronged, not necessarily by language, but by the patience and trust it teaches him. Because it is “the word of truth,” it gives the man of God an assurance and authority when he speaks, a holy freedom in his walk. Why are we often so shy in the testimony we give around us? Precisely because we lack much of that strength and inner conviction that the Word of raw, loved and meditated truth communicates. “Your statutes have been hymns to me…” What a Lord ours! From which head of state, even the best, could it be said that his commandments are a subject of joy for the one who must submit to them? Verses 57 to 64 show us the heart of the believer concerned with conforming his walk to the will of the Lord: “I have thought of my ways… ” said the faithful; only then “I turned my feet”. How many times our conduct is the opposite! Let’s also remember verse 63: “I am the companion of all those… who keep your precepts” (Ps 119:79 and 115). And let us ask ourselves who we frequent (Pr 13:20).

The demand for Ps 119.17 has been granted. “You have done good to your servant.” But in a way that the psalmist had not expected: through affliction. “It’s good for me that I was afflicted,” he admits. What for? Because “before I was afflicted, I wandered”: The Good Shepherd was forced to use this painful means to bring his lost sheep back into the way. But so she had an even more important experience: she got to know her God, and no longer needs to understand to know that His love has not changed. “I know  ,” she said, “that it was in fidelity that you afflicted me.” In desert nomads, the making of an extra skin requires patient preparation. It is exposed to smoke to make the leather lose the pungent taste and the original smell that would not fail to alter the purity of the water. This is the case with the Christian. The fire of trial must pass over him in order to remove his bitterness or natural stiffness and make him fit for service: “Your hands have made me and shaped me; make me smart…” Happy prayer of the redeemed! Yes Lord, also shape my mind by the means you choose; make me supple and docile to your will!

As firmly as the earth was established, the Word of the Lord was established even more firmly. What happiness, in a world where everything is uncertain, where “the feverish activity of fallen man… unfolds into thoughts that will all perish,” to be able to know God’s eternal thoughts and to entrust ourselves in His unchanging promises! Heaven and earth will pass, but his words will surely not pass (Mat 24:35). Moreover, all creation has only one purpose: “all things serve you…”. This is also our privilege, but let us serve the Lord with intelligence and with all our heart.

For the Word, which is light on my path, also shows me how thick the darkness is around me. It makes me take in horror wickedness and duplicity. Indeed, without this divine measure, I can be wrong and call well what is evil, truth what is lies. While God’s Book of Thoughts teaches me to see the world and what fills it as He himself sees it. “Make me intelligent,” repeats the faithful (Ps 119:34, 125, 144, 169). Intelligence is generally considered a natural gift: This prayer shows us that it is possible to acquire it. For it is the Word that gives true intelligence. “I am your servant… ” says the psalmist, determined to observe God’s will. It is expressed in different forms in His Word: law, commandments, statutes, precepts, testimonies, ordinances, judgments… words that are not synonymous.  As for the Christian, the Word is no longer imposed on him in a legal form. His obedience stems from the love he feels not only for the Lord’s wonderful testimonies, but for His name.

God’s righteousness is the dominant note in verses 137 to 144. It is not a subject of fear for the one who fears the Lord, who walks in his light and who also knows his goodness. In the midst of an unjust world, the faithful enjoy celebrating this righteousness of God, which like His goodness, is forever. “Your word is well refined” The more you put it to the test (like the gold in the crucible) the more it shows that it is purity itself. Verses 145 and following reflect the extreme dependence of the faithful. “Give me back my life… ” he asks here four times. It’s God who gives life; it’s also He who preserves and maintains it. But this prayer concerns in the first place the soul of the redeemed. “Make me live according to your Word.”

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Mysteries and wonders of God’s law:

·         Walk of believers, walk in truth

Ps 26:3 For your grace is before my eyes, and I walk in your truth.  2 Jn 4 I have been very pleased to find your children walking in the truth, according to the commandment we have received from the Father.  3 Jn 3 I was very pleased when brothers came and bore witness to the truth that is in you, to the way in which you walk in the truth.

·         Commandments to be kept

Ex 20:6 and who has mercy to a thousand generations on those who love me and keep my commandments.  Dt 26:18 And today Jehovah has made you promise that you will be a people who will belong to Him, as He has told you, and that you will keep all His commandments, 1 John 5:3 For God’s love is to keep His commandments. And his commandments are not painful,

·         Seeking God, Examples

Ezr 8:21 There, near the river of Ahava, I issued a fast of humiliation before our God, to implore from Him a happy journey for us, for our children, and for all that belonged to us.  Ps 119:10 I seek you with all my heart: Do not let me lead me astray away from your commandments!  John 12:21 turned to Philip of Bethsaida in Galilee and said to him with instance: Lord, we would like to see Jesus.

·         Spiritual boldness, examples

Mk 15:43 came Joseph of Arimathea, counselor of distinction, who himself also awaited the kingdom of God. He dared to go to Pilate, to ask for the body of Jesus.  Acts 4:13 When they saw the assurance of Peter and John, they were astonished, knowing that they were men of the people without education; and they recognized them for having been with Jesus.  Acts 19:8 Then Paul entered the synagogue, where he spoke freely. For three months he spoke about things concerning the kingdom of God, trying to persuade those who listened to him.

·         The Search for Wisdom

Ps 119:169 May my cry reach you, O Lord! Give me intelligence, according to your promise!  Pr 2:4 If you seek it as money, If you pursue it as a treasure, Ec 7:25 I have applied myself in my heart to know, to probe, and to seek the wisdom and reason of things, and to know the folly of wickedness and the stupidity of foolishness.

·         Spiritual life, general references

-Sustained by the word of God Dt 8:3 He has humiliated you, he has made you suffer hunger, and he has nourished you with manna, which you did not know and had not known your fathers, in order to teach you that man does not live by bread alone, but that man lives from all that comes out of the mouth of the Lord.

-Assured by faith Jn 5:24 Truly, truly, I tell you, he who listens to my word, and believes in him who sent me, has eternal life and does not come to judgment, but has passed from death to life.

-Requires death to sin and to oneself 2 Cor 4:11 For we who live are constantly delivered to death because of Jesus, so that Jesus’ life may also be manifested in our mortal flesh.

Christ, the supreme purpose of spiritual life Phil 1:21, for Christ is my life, and death is a gain for me.

-Love, demonstration of spiritual life 1 Jn 3:14 We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love brothers and sisters. He who does not love dwells in death.

From all the above, we note that “man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God” (Mat 4:4; Dt 8:3). Remember verse 160: “The foundation of your word is the truth, and all the laws of your righteousness are eternal.  For the Bible does not consist of a set of truths from which everyone chooses those that suit him. It forms an inseparable whole that one receives or rejects; it’s the whole Truth (John 17:14-17). The faithful, persecuted without cause by princes, are afraid, not of them, but of the Word, fearing to disobey him. And yet it’s his joy. May the Word of our God be a true treasure for each of our hearts! Inexhaustible riches are hidden there, but only the one who makes this Word the rule of his life discovers them. Beginning with receiving then allows us to bring: verset 171 reminds us that praise is the fruit of a heart taught by the divine statutes: Well nourished by these, we will know how to speak to the Lord, worship Him with intelligence, but also speak up, around us, of all that has made the subject of our meditation (Eph 5:11). The last verses, which summarize the psalm, now make it possible to identify the guiding thought: Israel will have been led by the trial to recognize its bewilderment. He will have learned in affliction to cherish the law of Jehovah, to conform his conduct to it, to hate evil, to seek his salvation only in God. Before the final delivery takes place, the interior restoration will have already been produced. This will allow God to act on behalf of His own and introduce them into the blessing of the Kingdom. Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow, ” It is the Lord who builds and guards.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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