Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from Ps 13:2 and following. Indeed, of this distress that the rest of Judah will go through during apocalyptic times, the Lord Jesus declares that there has been no such one since the beginning of creation… and that there will never be. He adds that because of the elect, God shortened these days (Mark 13:14-23; Rom 9:27-29). We can therefore understand this anguished cry: “Until when”, repeated four times at the beginning of this psalm and also in several others. It is to answer this that “the Lord will make an abbreviated affair on earth.” Although he can never experience such distress according to the word of the Lord (Rev 3:7-13), a Christian may find himself more or less discouraged and think that God forgets him or willingly hides his face. That may have happened to us. So how do you get out of this dark tunnel? Let’s first stop tormenting ourselves and consulting our own hearts with sorrow: He will not give us any answer, but rather fatigue and anguish (1 Sam 27:1-2).

For it is very true that David was so hated by the generality of the people, because of the slanders and false reports that had circulated against him, that almost all men felt that God was no less hostile to him than Saul and his other enemies were. But here he does not speak according to the feeling of his own mind, when he complains of being neglected by God. Not that the persuasion of the truth of God’s promises was extinguished in his heart, or that he did not rest on his grace; but when we are for a long time burdened by calamities, and we do not perceive any sign of divine help, this thought inevitably imposes itself on us, that God has forgotten us. Recognizing in the midst of our afflictions that God truly cares about us is not the usual way of men, or what the feelings of nature would cause; but by faith we apprehend his invisible providence.

Thus, it seemed to David, as far as can be judged from the actual state of his affairs, that he was abandoned by God. At the same time, however, the eyes of his spirit, guided by the light of faith, penetrated even to the grace of God, although it was hidden in darkness. When he did not see a single ray of good hope to whichever side he turned, as far as human reason could judge, constrained by pain, he cried out that God was not looking at him; and yet by this very complaint, he demonstrates that faith allowed him to rise higher and conclude, contrary to the judgment of the flesh, that his well-being was assured in the hands of God. For if it had been otherwise, how could he address his groans and prayers to her? Following this example, we must fight against temptations so as to be assured by faith, even in the very heart of the conflict, that the calamities that lead us to despair must be overcome; just as we see that the infirmity of the flesh could not prevent David from seeking God and resorting to Him: and so he united in his exercise, affections apparently contrary to each other.

Speaking in this way, he makes us understand that in order to nourish his hope and encourage himself to be patient, he has extended his point of view to a distance, and therefore he does not complain about a calamity of a few days, as effeminate and cowards are accustomed to do, who see only what is under their feet and immediately succumb to the first assault. He therefore teaches us, by his example, to extend our vision as far as possible into the future, so that our current pain does not deprive us entirely of hope.  It is the cry of a soul whose patience is put to the test. But patience has “its perfect work,” for this soul hopes in God’s mercy, and his faith, hailing the future, sings salvation. This is what Jesus fully realized, he who day after day knew “what languor was”. But the patience of the residue in waiting, on the last day, finds its expression in this psalm that is written for him. Therefore, “His goodness dwells forever” will be the new language of the worshipper, when the time of patience has ended with the advent of the reign.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

How long will you forget me?:

·         Afflictions, sometimes they are prolonged

Ps 13:2 Until when, Lord! will you forget me without ceasing? Until when will you hide your face from me?  Ps 79:5 Until when, Lord! will you irritate you unceasingly, and will your anger ignite like fire?  Ps 90:13 Come, Eternal! Until when?… Have mercy on your servants!  Ps 94:3 Until when shall the wicked, O Lord! How long will the wicked triumph?  Ha 1:2 Until when, O Lord?… I shouted, And you don’t listen! I cried out to you for violence, and you do not help!  Za 1:12 Then the angel of Jehovah spoke and said, Eternal of hosts, until when will you not have compassion for Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, against which you have been irritated for seventy years?

·         Divine delays test the courage and patience of men

Ps 69:4 I exhaust myself screaming, my gosier dries out, My eyes burn, while I look to my God.  Ps 119:82 My eyes languish after your promise; I say: When will you console me?  Jn 11:6 When he learned that Lazarus was sick, he remained two more days in the place where he was, John 5:7 Be patient, brethren until the lord’s advent. Behold, the ploughman awaits the precious fruit of the earth, taking patience with it, until he has received the rains of the first and late seasons.  2 Pet 3:9 The Lord does not delay in fulfilling the promise, as some believe; but He uses patience with you, not wanting any to perish, but wanting all to come to repentance.

·         Veiled divinity, said of God when he hides

Jb 23.9 Is it occupied in the north, I cannot see it; Is he hiding at noon, I can’t find out.  Ps 10:1 Why, O Lord, do you keep yourself away? Why do you hide in the time of distress?  Ps 13:2 Until when, Lord! will you forget me without ceasing? Until when will you hide your face from me?  Ps 89:47 Until when, Lord! will you hide unceasingly, and will your fury ignite like fire?  Isaiah 45:15 But you are a God who hides from you, God of Israel, savior!

·         Discouragement in the life of good men

Moses Nb 11:15 Rather than treat me like this, please kill me, if I have found favor in your eyes, and I do not see my misfortune.

-Joshua 7:7 Joshua said: Ah! Eternal Lord, why did you pass the Jordan to this people, to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites and make us perish? Oh! if we could have stayed on the other side of the Jordan!

-Elijah 1 Kings 19:4 For him, he went into the wilderness where, after a day of walking, he sat under a broom, and asked for death, saying: Enough is enough! Now, Eternal, take my soul, for I am no better than my fathers.

-Job Jb 10.1 My soul is disgusted with life! I will give effect to my complaint, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.

-David Ps 42:7 My soul is slaughtered within me: So it is to you that I think, from the land of the Jordan, from the Hermon, from the mountain of Mitsear

-Jeremiah Jr 15:10 Woe to me, my mother, for what you have made me born a man of dispute and quarrel for the whole country! I don’t borrow or lend, and yet all curse me.

-The disciples Luke 24:17 He said to them: What do you talk about as you walk, that you may be all sad?

From all the above, we note that the righteous is reduced to the last extreme, as it is the evil that comes from men: one might think that God has completely and definitively forgotten it. His enemy was exalted above him, and he consulted in his heart. But then he cried out, he looked to the Lord to be heard, lest he perish, on the one hand, and also lest his enemy say that he had the upper hand. David therefore complains that by thinking of different methods to obtain relief and deliberating with himself now in one way and now in another, he is exhausted in vain by the multitude of suggestions that cross his mind; and by joining to this complaint the sadness he felt daily, he points to the source of this concern. As in a serious illness, the patient would like to change places at every moment, and the more acute the pains that afflict them, the more agitated they are and eager to move and change; thus, when sorrow takes hold of the hearts of men, its wretched victims are violently agitated within, and they find it more tolerable to torment themselves without obtaining relief, than to endure their afflictions with a calm mind. The Lord promises to give the faithful “the spirit of counsel.” Let us also remember  this triumphant exclamation: “Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Distress, or anguish, or persecution…” the memory of his goodness and salvation, this is the secret that will revive our confidence and our joy.  Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Ghost. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow ” the prayer of the just persecuted.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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