Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from 2 Tim 4.1 and following. Indeed, even if many turn their ears away from the truth, the Lord’s worker must no less preach, warn, insist “whether the opportunity is favorable or not”, convince, resume, exhort… in short, to fully perform his service. Paul had set an example. His race was over. Athletes know that a competition is never won before the finish line. To give up or to be overtaken in the last meters is to have lost the whole race… with its price. And these last steps are often the most difficult.

Demas had loved the present century. He  had left Rome in Paul’s last imprisonment and had gone to Thessaloniki. Let us defy the motive that makes us avoid danger and difficulties when it comes to the work. Was it not of primary necessity, and as a motive that takes precedence over all others, to stand with the apostle before the tribunal? Was it not the same for the disciples at the judgment of their Lord? One may have very plausible motives for activity in the work and yet not be up to the level of a real devotion to Christ. Wasn’t Mary’s attitude, which did not emphasize it in any way, a thousand times greater than that of Martha, and yet, who could have said that Martha should not serve? “Luke alone is with me.” How painful the defection of Demas must have been to Luke himself!

But what honor was the faithfulness of the latter not rewarded when, to him who was not an apostle, was entrusted with the inspired writing of two of the main books of the New Testament! “Take Mark and bring him with you, for he is useful to me for service.” It is Mark, once dragged away from the apostle by Barnabas, who is again brought back by the apostle himself. Here he is rehabilitated and restored, publicly regaining communion with Paul and consequently with the Lord (Acts 15. 35-38). An act, judged by all, and throwing an unfavorable day on a brother must not bring about a lasting judgment on his  character. Paul provides us with proof of this in the way he appreciates Mark. His ability to serve had not been called into question by the fact that that service had been misused. There were, however, departures that could not incur any disapproval: that of Tychique, for example. If the apostle had  sent him  to Ephesus, it was for the purposes of an approved service from the Lord. Tyshica enters the scene after the tumult of Ephesus (Acts 20:4). He is from the province of Asia, beloved brother, faithful servant, sent by the apostle to comfort the assembly of Ephesus where Paul had suffered so much (Eph. 6. 21-22); sent likewise to the Colossians (Col 4. 7-9) to console their hearts; always sent by the apostle in Titus 3. 12. Tychique was therefore a brother particularly gifted at carrying faithful messages, at encouraging, at strengthening. We could call him  the comforter  of the assemblies. Precious function, especially in a time of decline!

As in all the other “Scriptures”, the apostle was inspired, if only to speak of his mantle, the books, the scrolls. Like his Master, the apostle did not hover over the heads of men. He shared the same circumstances; he needed to guarantee himself from the cold, which introduces us to the rigor of his second captivity; for  he needed durable material to write; “the books” were portions of the Word (Dan 9. 2). The circumstances of his daily life were thus brought, led, or suppressed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

And what a contrast with the beginning of The latter’s career, where his disciples had left everything to follow him! (Luke 5:11). The abandonment where the apostle was left may rightly split the heart, but one wonders if the Lord’s mind affects us in the same way. This will be the case if we realize the perfection of his humanity, holiness and divine love. As for Paul, so similar to his Savior, no one had stood close to him to plead on his behalf, to vouch for his character, his intentions, his conduct. But what a contrast between what he asks for his brothers, so cowardly in their conduct, and what he has said against Alexander! “Let this,” he said, “not be  imputed tothem!” He interceded for them, as did the Lord for the people, as did Stephen for those who stoned him. Isn’t this the triumph of grace?

In this first defense, however, Paul was not alone. “The Lord,” he said, “stood close to me and strengthened me.” If his heart suffered from this abandonment, his strength increased, because the Lord, the source of all mercy and strength, was with him. “Blessed is the man whose strength is in you… he walks from force to strength” (Ps 84). The Lord fulfilled His purposes of grace to the end and honored His Apostle by making Him the agent of those purposes. “Preaching was fully accomplished” by him. He was an example to his dear Timothy, to whom he had said, “Fully perform your service.” There was now nothing left to add to his preaching. Others would take it up by the thousands, after the apostle, but there was no longer any new subject to present; all this had been done by the apostle; so that everything that one would try to add to it later, not only had no value, but was in pure and simple opposition to the thought of God. Moreover, as the Lord had told His dear servant, all nations had to hear the preaching of the gospel (Acts 26. 17-18).

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Proclaims the Word:

  • Christ as Judge

Mt 25:32 All nations will be assembled before him. He will separate one from the other, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; Jn 5:22  The Father does not judge anyone, but He has handed over every judgment to the Son, Rom 14:10  But you, why do you judge your brother? or you, why do you despise your brother? since we will all appear before God’s court. 2 Tim 4:1 I beseech you before God and before Jesus Christ, who is to judge the living and the dead, and in the name of his appearance and kingdom,

  • Teachers of speech

Mt 28:20 Jesus answered him: Foxes have dens, and the birds of the sky have nests; but the Son of man has no place to rest his head. 1Tim4.11  Declare these things, and teach them. 1 Tim 6:3 If anyone teaches false doctrines, and does not cling to the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and to the doctrine that is according to piety, 2 Tim 2:25  he must gently straighten the adversaries, in the hope that God will give them repentance to come to the knowledge of the truth,

  • Spiritual deafness

Isaiah 6:10 Render insensitive the heart of this people, Harden his ears, and mouth his eyes, that he may not see with his eyes, hear with his ears, do not understand with his heart, do not convert and be healed. Ezekiel 12:2  Son of man, you dwell in the midst of a family of rebels, who have eyes to see and who do not see, ears to hear and who do not hear; for it is a family of rebels. Mt 13:15  For the heart of this people has become insensitive; They hardened their ears, and they closed their eyes, Lest they see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, convert, and I heal them. Acts 28:26 Go unto this people, and say: You shall hear with your ears, and you shall not understand; You will look with your eyes, and you will not see.

  • Kingdom of Christ

Mt 16:28 I tell you in truth, some of those who are here will not die, unless they have seen the Son of man come into his kingdom. Luke 22:30  that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones, to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. John 18:36  My kingdom is not of this world, Jesus replied. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have fought for me so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but now my kingdom is not from this world. Rev 11:15  The seventh angel sounded the trumpet. And there were loud voices in heaven that said: The kingdom of the world is handed over to our Lord and his Christ; and he will reign in the centuries of centuries.

From all the above, we note that theapostleadds: ‘I have been delivered from the mouth of the lion’. The roaring lion that prowled around him was this time silenced, only to return soon to perform his murderous work on the body of the beloved apostle, who thus followed in the footsteps of his Master to the end (Ps 22. 22); but Satan could not prevent the preaching from being fully accomplished. He knew that if the Lord did not deliver him from martyrdom, He would deliver him to the end, “from every evil work” and keep him for His heavenly kingdom. “To Him be the glory in the centuries of the centuries. Amen!” said the apostle, thinking of the future glory of Christ for whose kingdom it will be  preserved. Timothy was to greet Prisca and Aquilas. These dear companions of the apostle had returned to Ephesus where Timothy could see them, some new edict having driven them out of Rome (Acts 18:1-3, 26; 1 Cor. 16:19; Rom. 16:3; 2 Tim. 4:19). Paul had left Trophyme (Acts 20:4; 21:29) sick in Miletus, which proves that 2 Timothy was written after Paul’s first and second captivity. This fact further shows that the miraculous power of the apostles was exercised in the service of the Lord and not for their particular interests.  For on cannot at the same time be among those who love the present century, and those who love the appearance of the Lord. And the epistle ends with the supreme resource in a time of ruin: grace. This was the apostle’s greeting (2  Tim 1:1-2), it is also his farewell. May this grace be with each of us! Our prayers accompany you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterpoint to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “Titus in charge of organizing the Church of Crete.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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