Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from 1 Tim 4.1 and following. Indeed, the great mystery of piety has been despised by many! Some have removed what bothered them. Others have added legal practices or superstitions. The “good servant”, on the other hand, feeds on “the right doctrine” (1 Tim 1:8-11; 1  Tim 6:3-5). He will then be able to teach others. Piety is a virtue to which one exercises oneself  – in Greek “gymnazô”, from which our word gymnastics comes. We train there. Body exercise, sport, is useful for the health of our body  – little compared to the progress of the soul that the daily practice of piety brings. Let us note that one must exercise oneself, no one can live from the piety of others. On this condition, the young Timothy can be a “coach” for others (Titus 2:6-10): a model in word, this being confirmed by conduct, which is inspired by love, in turn enlightened by faith, which is finally preserved by purity. And how do we exercise piety? By being occupied with divine things and giving oneself to them wholeheartedly. The weakness of our testimony often comes from the fact that we scatter in too many directions. Let us be champions of one cause, that of Christ (2 Cor 8:1-6). In this way, we will make clear progress for all.

Thus, Timothy’s youth, engaged in such grave and important functions, especially in teaching among the saints, could expose him to the contempt of the ill-intentioned. The way for him to command respect was to be a model for all, to be at the head of the faithful as an object to imitate. Such had been the apostle himself, when he said: “Be all together my imitators, brothers, and look upon those who walk in this way according to the model you have in us” (Phil 3. 17). And here: “Be the model of the faithful, in word, in conduct”, two things too often dissociated in the life of the Christian and which should be a reflection of each other. As for the inner state, it had to be manifested above all by “love”. It is “the end of the ordinance,” the great goal, the true result of its activity, but love is inseparable from “faith,” that energy of the soul that grasps God’s promises; Finally, Timothy had to distinguish himself by “purity,” whether it showed itself in thoughts, words, or conduct. But let us return again, on this subject, to the meaning of the word faith in this epistle. It can be, as we have just said, and as generally everywhere else, the energy of the soul produced by grace and which grasps Christ as the object of salvation. This faith is often, in the Word, associated with love.

In the absence of the apostle, Timothy was to focus on what could advance the spiritual life of the saints and have as its goal the progress of the house of God: reading, exhortation, teaching. Through reading  it was necessary above all to put souls in direct relation with the Word, apart from any other action. Apart from the fact that at that time a very large number of the faithful did not possess the Scriptures, this injunction:  “reading”  was and still is very important because it does not admit any possibility of mixing like the following two recommendations. Do the Lord’s workers care enough today about this counsel of the apostle? Note that this is only the public reading in the assembly. Are we convinced enough of the power inherent in the Word, without any interference with the gift, to bring souls into direct contact with the Lord through it?

The author of these lines, who had made a prolonged reading of the scriptures before the Assembly, without having it followed by any words, was told by an experienced brother: You have never made such an exhortation to us! God wants us to follow the Lord’s example more often in the scene of Luke 4:16-21 in the synagogue of Nazareth! Certainly, exhortation and teaching were not to be absent from Timothy’s ministry, and it was not without reason that he had received a gift of grace for this; he was not to neglecthim, as he was later to  “revive  him” as discouragement was about to take hold of him (2 Tim 1. 6). We have seen that this gift was announced to him by prophecy, communicated by the laying on of the hands of the apostle and accompanied by the laying on of the hands of the bodies of the elders. The latter did not confer or communicate anything to Timothy; it was, as always in Scripture, the sign of identification, the sanction of mission, the expression of the blessing implored upon it; while the gift of grace, and also the Spirit, was communicated exceptionally by the laying on of the hands of the apostles, but by no other (Acts 8. 17). All this contradicts in the most absolute way the ecclesiastical views on gifts, on charges, on ordination, on the laying on of hands and on so many other clerical practices of which a little obedience to the Word would have quickly done justice.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

Teachings of demons:

  • Heresy, examples

Mt 15:9 They honor me in vain, teaching precepts that are commandments of men. 1 Cor 11:19  for there must also be sects among you, so that those who are approved may be recognized as such in your midst. 1 Tim 4:1  But the Spirit expressly says that in the last times some will abandon faith, to cling to seductive spirits and doctrines of demons; 2 Pet 2:1  There have been false prophets among the people, and there will likewise be false teachers among you, who will introduce pernicious sects, and who, denying the master who redeemed them, will draw upon them a sudden ruin.

  • Last Days of History

Isaiah 2:2 It will come to pass, in the course of time, that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be founded on the top of the mountains, that it will rise over the hills, and that all nations will flock to it. Acts 2:17  In the last days, says God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; Your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your young men will have visions, and your old men will have dreams. 2 Tim 3:1  Know that in the last days there will be difficult times. 2 Pet 3:3 taught by your apostles, knowing above all that in the last days there will come mockers with their  taunts, walking according to their own lusts,

  • Warnings against fake doctors

Mt 5:19 The one who therefore suppresses one of these smallest commandments, and who teaches men to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but he who observes them, and who teaches to keep them, will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 1 Tim 4:2  by the hypocrisy of false doctors bearing the mark of wilt in their own conscience; 2 Tim 4:3  For there will come a time when men will not endure sound doctrine; but, having the itch to hear pleasant things, they will give themselves a crowd of doctors according to their own desires; Tt 1.11  to which one must close one’s mouth. They upset entire families, teaching for shameful gain what should not be taught.

  • Young men, truths they must keep in mind

-The ideal of a pure life Ps 119.9 How will the young man make his path pure? By walking according to your word.

-The certainty of having to account Ec 11:9 Young man, rejoice in your youth, give your heart to joy during the days of your youth, walk in the ways of your heart and according to the eyes of your eyes; but know that for all this God will call you to judgment.

-The value of the constraint Lm 3.27 It is good for man to carry the yoke in his youth.

-The power of personal influence 1 Tim 4:12 Let no one despise your youth; but be a model for the faithful, in word, conduct, charity, faith, purity.

-The value of seriousness 2:6-7 Likewise exhorts young men to be moderate, 7 showing yourself in all respects a model of good works, and giving a pure, dignified teaching,

Moral faith is superior to physical strength Pr 20:29 Strength is the glory of young men, and white hair is the ornament of the elderly. 1 John 2:13-14  I write to you, fathers, because you have known the one who is from the beginning. I am writing to you, young men, because you have defeated the evil one. I have written to you, little children, because you have known the Father. 14 I have written to you, fathers, because you have known the one who is from the beginning. I have written to you, young men, because you are strong, and the word of God dwells in you, and you have defeated the evil one.

From all of the above, we note thatPaul’s recommendations to Timothy are becoming more and more pressing:  Order these things. Teachthem. Take care  of these things. Be there  whole. The last two were to result in Timothy’s progress being “evident among all.” Indeed, it is not possible for the Lord’s workers to make significant progress in the knowledge of the things of God if they do not deal with them exclusively. The donation must be accompanied by extreme diligence; that one be the man of one thing,with anunrequited heart. “Be attentive to yourself and to teaching.” One might be busy teaching for others, without being attentive for oneself to the things one preaches or teaches. Timothy had to watch over himself, so that his moral state corresponded to his teaching. Thus Timothy’s privileged position entailed an immense responsibility for himself. But moreover he could have been occupied with these things with great zeal more or less temporary; no: it was necessary to  perseverein it, and this is often the most difficult point in the realization of Christian activity. By doing so, Timothy would save himself, that is, reach the final entry into glory, after showing the way to those to whom his ministry was addressed. All these  exhortations to Timothy himself  made him faithful in all things, for on his faithfulness depended the future blessings of those to whom he addressed himself. Our prayers support you in your efforts to walk according to the Word of God.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterhole to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “the directions about widows, elders and servants.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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