Beloved, I am glad to share with you the above theme from Co 3.2 and following. Indeed, the remains of the old man consists of sad rags: anger, wickedness, insults … Let’s be ashamed to present ourselves in this way. Let’s instead put on the luminous garment of the new man of whom Christ is the perfect model. Its ornaments are described: mercy… humility, gentleness, support, forgiveness… Aboveall, let us cover ourselves with the love that is its very nature. It is He who will make us recognize as disciples of Jesus (John 13:31-35).

Our inner state is no less essential. In us must dwell: Christ who is all, his peace, his Word. It is not having the Bible at home or even on our bedside table that will do us any good. The most fortifying dish does not nourish as long as it remains on the plate. The Word must dwell in us richly (Rom 10:6-11). Another means we hardly think of to be taught and exhorted are the hymns sung from our hearts to God (Ps 119. 54). Let us deprive neither Him nor us of it. Finally, for each of our words or actions, a double question will serve as a touchstone. Can I say or do this in the name of the Lord Jesus? Can I give thanks for this to God the Father? But Col 3:8-12 nullified all differences between God’s creatures to maintain only the fundamental distinction between the old man and the new man (Gal 3:27-29). But here the Christian, in whom these two natures coexist, is considered in his relations with others and at the same time with the Lord.  Heis called the Lord here, to emphasize his rights and authority. Children, wives, husbands, employees or teachers, each in his place and in his own way, serves “the Lord Christ”. And towards “those outside”, what should our attitude be? First a wise march, illustrating the truth. Then a language full of grace and firmness, adapted to the occasions and the state of each. Final prayers:    Paul asks them for himself. And let us notice, it is not the door of the prison that he would like to see opened, but that of the gospel.

These verses correspond to Eph 5:22 and Eph 6:9. “In these two passages, it is very beautiful to see how the divine doctrine enters into all the details of life, and casts the fragrance of its perfection on all duties and on all relationships.” Let us note that while children are exhorted to obey their parents, here the exhortation is addressed only to  fathers.  What for? It is that there is naturally, in the hearts of mothers, a tenderness for their children that would make this exhortation superfluous to them. But let Christian mothers remember that this tenderness must never degenerate into an indulgence that would lead them to make up for mistakes, or that would lead them to hide from the head of the family what must be taken back or punished in the child. May they be the first to show their respect for the authority that God has established in the family. How happy is the Christian family that moves in this atmosphere of love, peace and tenderness; where the Lord dominates in His grace, where He truly dwells. How great and powerful will be his testimony in the midst of the world!

We now come to the duties of slaves to their “masters according to the flesh.” This position of subordination did not come from a divine institution to creation, but was a consequence of the entry of sin into the world. The poor slaves were the property of their masters; but those of them who were Christ’s were the freedmen of the Lord (1 Cor7. 23). If they could regain their freedom, they had to take advantage of it, otherwise, not to grieve for their low condition, since it was for them an opportunity to serve the Lord (Master) Christ.

So, itis touching to see how the apostle, through the Holy Spirit, encourages the saints who were in this sad and unfortunate condition. He raises their thoughts from their “masters according to the flesh,” to their Lord or Master according to the Spirit. All their responsibilities and motives for action were thus transformed, and here too they found their encouragement and consolation. For fromtheir masters, they could see the Lord. It was because they had in their hearts his fear – fear in love – that they had to obey their masters in all things. It was because they feared this invisible Master, who probed all their deeds and thoughts, that they had to serve their masters, not only when they were present – not only before their eyes – but always, in all circumstances with a simple heart, without calculation, which did not seek to please men to obtain some advantage, but striving to please the Lord. What a high and powerful mobile to set life!

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

The old man and the new man:

  • Denial of self, by subjugating carnal lusts

Mt 5:29 If your right eye is an opportunity for you to fall, tear it off and throw it away from you; for it is advantageous for you that only one of your limbs perishes, and that your whole body is not thrown into gehenna. Rom 6:6 knowing that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that we might no longer be slaves to sin; Rom 13:14 But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not take care of the flesh to satisfy its lusts. So, Gal 5:16 So I say, Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh. Col 3:5 So kill the members who are on earth, immodesty, impurity, passions, evil desires, and greed, which is idolatry. 1 Pet 2:11  Beloved, I urge you, as strangers and travelers on earth, to abstain from the carnal lusts that wage war on the soul. 1 Pet 4:2 in order to live, no longer according to the lusts of men, but according to the will of God, during the time he has left to live in the flesh.

  • The believer as a new man

Ps 40:4 He put in my mouth a new hymn, A Praise to Our God; Many saw it, and had fear, and they entrusted themselves in the Lord. Ez 11:19 I will give them one heart, and I will put in you a new spirit; I will remove from their bodies the heart of stone, and I will give them a heart of flesh;2 Cor 5:17 If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things have passed; behold, all things have become new. Gal 6:15 For it is nothing but to be circumcised or uncircumcised; what is something is to be a new creature. Eph 4:24 and to put on the new man, created according to God in the righteousness and holiness that the truth produces. Col 3:10 and having put on the new man, who renews himself, in knowledge, according to the image of the one who created him.

  • Conjugal love

Gen 24:67 Isaac led Rebecca into the tent of Sarah, his mother; he took Rebecca, who became his wife, and loved her. Thus, was consoled Isaac, after losing his mother. Gen 29:20 Thus Jacob served seven years for Rachel: and they were in his eyes like a few days, because he loved her. Is 2:17 The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor before him more than all the other young women. He put the royal crown on her head, and made her queen in place of Vasthi. Sg 8:7 The great waters cannot extinguish love, and the rivers would not submerge it; When a man offered all the goods of his house against love, He would attract only contempt. Eph 5:28 This is how husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Col 3:19 Husbands, love your wives, and do not grieve against them.

  • Examples of righteous men dominated by the fear of God

Ne 5.15 Before me, the first governors overwhelmed the people, and received from them bread and wine, in addition to forty sicles of money; their servants themselves oppressed the people. I did not do so, out of fear of God. Jb 1:8  Jehovah said to Satan, Have you noticed my servant Job? There is no one like him on earth; he is a man of integrity and righteousness, fearing God, and turning away from evil. Jon 1:9, 16 He answered them: I am Hebrew, and I fear Jehovah, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the earth. 16 These men were seized with a great fear of The Lord, and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord, and made vows. Acts 5:11 A great fear took hold of the whole assembly and all those who learned these things. Acts 9:31 The Church was at peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, rising and walking in fear of the Lord, and she grew by the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Acts 10:2 This man was pious and feared God, with his whole house; he gave many alms to the people, and prayed to God continuously.

From all of the above, we note that by acting for the Lord and not for the sake of men, servants could do everything willingly, even if their service was painful, harsh, or repugnant. They had to submit without whispers, without reasoning, saying to themselves: It is for the Lord who loved me, to whom I belong, from whom I am the freed. Let us notice these points: obey in all things, under the eyes of the master or not, with simplicity of heart and good heart. These are the traits of true obedience. The motive is the Lord and His fear. Let’s also note two reasons that the apostle presents to them to encourage them in this path of obedience. In the first place, these poor slaves were not entitled to any reward from the world. What they were doing, they were forced to do. Second, their humble condition did not include that they had any earthly inheritance. Their bodies, their time, their gain, everything was their master’s. But, from their heavenly Master, they were to receive a reward and an inheritance. The inheritance that all the saints will share with Christ is counted to them as a reward for their present state of subjection. The one they served, obeying their masters according to the flesh, was Christ. And he would not forget to pay for their faith, patience and faithfulness. But, secondly, the principle of God’s government is also reminded of slaves as a motive for their obedience. First, it was the Lord, the Savior who loved them: motive for the heart. But here it is a motive for conscience: “He who acts unjustly, will receive what he has done unjustly”, that is, will receive the penalty of his injustice; he will suffer the consequences.  For devant God, there is no acceptance of persons. If he shows himself full of tenderness and compassion for those who are in an unfortunate condition, lowered and despised, this condition cannot make him pass over injustice. Being poor, destitute, even a slave, does not excuse injustice. In this regard, all are equal before God’s holy government. The slaves had to remember this. Let us note that the exhortations addressed to slaves present to today’s Christian servants the course of action they have to follow (1 Pet 2:18). Our prayers are with you all.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may shine in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby waterhole to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to react to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow “masters, grant your servants what is just and equitable.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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