Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the above theme from 1 Co 14:1, 2 and following. Indeed, many complain about the current weakness due to the lack of donations in the assemblies. But do they desire them ardently as the first verse invites them to do? The Lord may have offered to entrust such a gift to you and is waiting to read this longing desire in you. So, ask Him… at the same time as the humility that will prevent you from glorifying yourself with this gift; it is not for you, but for the Assembly (1 Co 14:12).

For the Corinthians used their gifts precisely for their own glory, and the greatest disorder had resulted. And the apostle brings them back to a just appreciation of things by showing them that the gift of which they boasted the most, that of tongues, was precisely one of the least great (1 Co 14:5). The gift of prophecy, on the other hand, was (and remains) particularly desirable. It no longer includes as in the past the revelation of the future, but serves to edify, to exhort, to console…

Then the apostle reminds us that, in order to pray as well as to sing, the participation of our intelligence is necessary. We who are often so distracted in the presence of the Lord think of what we express before God; let us apply ourselves to meditating on its depth. But let our spirit be led by the Holy Spirit.

The gift of tongues was given not to build up the congregation or to evangelize, but to convince the unbelievers of the Jews (“this people, 1 Co 14:21, 22) that God offered grace to the nations. Demonstration that is no longer necessary today. But “edification” is the key word of this message, the touchstone to which all action must be subjected: is what I propose to say or do, really for the good of my brethren (Eph 4:29-32)? Besides, if I have in mind their profit, I will always find at the same time a blessing for myself. If, on the other hand, I think of my interest or my glory, there will ultimately follow a loss both for others and for myself (1 Co 3:11-15).

Two other conditions preside over the life of the assembly: propriety and order (1 Co 14:40). They impose practical rules that touch on common sense or divine order. The apostle did not want the Corinthians to be ignorant (1 Corinthians 12:1-3). However, if anyone neglects to learn about these matters concerning the Assembly, let him remain ignorant. For God is a God of peace and He wants the Assembly, responding to His own characters, to be the place where He can bring unconverted people who will recognize His presence there (1 Co 14:24, 25).

Many complain about the current weakness due to the lack of donations in the assemblies. But do they desire them ardently as the verse invites them to do? The Lord may have offered to entrust such a gift to you and is waiting to read this longing desire in you. Ask Him… at the same time as the humility that will prevent you from glorifying yourself with this gift; it is not for you, but for the Assembly. The Corinthians used their gifts precisely for their own glory, and the greatest disorder resulted.

Moreover, however many gifts the Corinthians possessed, the word, however, had not come out of their midst and had not come to them alone: they were to submit to the universal order of the Spirit in the Assembly. If they claimed to be led by the Spirit, they had to recognize (and this would be proof that they were thus led) that the things the apostle wrote to them were “the commandment of the Lord”: an assertion of the utmost importance; responsible and serious position of this admirable servant of God. What a mixture of tenderness, patience and authority in Paul. He desires that the faithful come to truth and order, led by their own affections; not afraid, if it were necessary for their good, to avail themselves of an authority without appeal, as speaking directly from God, an authority that God would legitimize, if the apostle were forced in spite of himself to use it. If anyone did not know that he was writing by the Spirit and with the authority of God, it was ignorance, and nothing else: that he who was so ignorant should be abandoned to his ignorance! Spiritual and simple men would be delivered from such pretensions.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

  • Spiritual ambition Lk 13:24 Strive to enter through the narrow door. Because, I tell you, many will seek to enter, and will not be able to.

1 Co 9.24 Don’t you know that those who run in the stadium all run, but only one wins the prize? Run in such a way as to win it. 1 Co 12:31 Aspire to the best gifts. And I will show you another way par excellence. 1 Co 14:1:12  Seek charity. Aspire also to spiritual gifts, but especially to that of prophecy. 12 Likewise you, since you aspire to spiritual gifts, let it be for the edification of the Church that you seek to possess abundantly. Phil 3:13-14  Brethren, I do not think I have grasped it; but I do one thing: forgetting what is behind and carrying myself towards what is forward, 14 I run towards the goal, to win the prize of God’s heavenly vocation in Jesus Christ. 2 Tim 2:15 Strive to present yourself before God as a tried man, a worker who has nothing to be ashamed of, who righteously dispenses the word of truth.

  • Prophets in the Christian Church

Acts 11:27 At that time, prophets descended from Jerusalem to Antioch. Acts 13:1  There were prophets and doctors in the Church of Antioch: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manahen, who had been raised with Herod the Tetrarch, and Saul. 1 Co 12:28  And God has established in the Church first apostles, second prophets, third doctors, then those who have the gift of miracles, then those who have the gifts of healing, rescuing, governing, speaking various languages. 1 Co 14:29 With regard to prophets, let two or three speak, and others judge; Eph 4:11  And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers,

  • Spiritual desire

2 Ch 15:15 All Judah rejoiced in this oath, for they had sworn with all their hearts, they had sought Jehovah willingly, and they had found Him, and Jehovah gave them rest on all sides. Ps 27:4  I ask the Lord one thing, which I long for: I would like to dwell all my life in the house of the Lord, to contemplate the magnificence of the Lord and to admire his temple. Ps 38:10  Lord! all my desires are before you, and my sighs are not hidden from you. Ps 63.2; Ps 73:25; Ps 119.20,131; Isa 26:9; Lk 6:21; 1 P 2.2

  • Spiritual words given as support in the testimony:

Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to express themselves. 1 Co 1:5  For in him you have been filled with all the riches that concern word and knowledge;  2 Co 8:7  Just as you excel in all things, in faith, in word, in knowledge, in zeal in all respects, and in your love for us, make sure that you also excel in this work of charity. Eph 6:19 Pray for me, that when I open my mouth, I may be given the power to make known boldly and freely the mystery of the Gospel; Col 4:3 Pray at the same time for us, that God may open a door for the word, so that I may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains,

From all the above, we note that those who were truly filled with the Spirit would recognize that what the apostle wrote, came directly from God and was the expression of God’s wisdom, the expression of what responded to his character, for often one can recognize divine wisdom, or even human wisdom, when it was found, although one has not been able to find oneself the way to this wisdom, or that, if one had seen it in part, one has not been able to produce it with authority. In the meantime, the pretentious man having in the eyes of all only this character of ignorance manifested and judged, would find in his humiliation his profit and what he needed. We will also notice the importance of what the apostle affirms here, with regard to the inspiration of the epistles. What he teaches about the very details of the order of the assembly, was so truly given from God, came so entirely from God, that it was “the commandment of the Lord.” For doctrine, we have at the end of romans the same statement, that it was through prophetic writings that the gospel was disseminated among the nations. The apostle summarizes his instructions by saying that one should desire to prophesy, not defend speaking tongues, and that everything should be done with order and convenience. Our prayers accompany you all, in the name of Jesus.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may be shining in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby watering point to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you next week on “the resurrection of Jesus is a certainty, the resurrection of Christ is crucial.”

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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