Beloved, I am glad to share with you today the theme from 1 Co 10.1 and following. Indeed, through the example of Israel, Paul makes us measure the overwhelming responsibility of professing Christians. They have outwardly shared in the most excellent spiritual blessings: Christ, His work, His Spirit, His Word… (1 Co 10:3, 4). But God cannot take pleasure in most of them because they lack faith (He 10:37-39). Indeed, through the history of the people in the desert, the Spirit of God gives us a sad example of what our hearts are capable of producing, even under the mantle of Christianity: covetousness, idolatry, whispers… He solemnly warns us of what these fruits of the flesh deserve (although grace acts in favor of the believer). Now this evil that is in power in us, the Tempter seeks to make it appear by his solicitations, in order to make us fall. And this precisely at the moment when we could believe ourselves standing by our own strength (1 Co 10:12).

Communion with God, the blessed part of the believer, excludes any participation with idolatry in its most refined forms. In a special way, it is at “the Lord’s table” that communion is expressed. Those who take part in the cup and bread are in principle all redeemed by the Lord without being, by far, all the redeemed of the Lord. However, we see them by faith represented in the one bread, a visible sign that there is one body. It expresses this unity of the Church that the religious world claims to want to achieve… while it already exists.

For if we do not seek our own self-interest, let moments become available for the interests of others, in other words for those of Jesus Christ (Phil 2:19-23). But to seek my brother’s interest is not only to look after his well-being; it is also thinking about one’s conscience. It is doing certain things for him and refraining from doing others. In this way, I will always have to ask myself the same questions: In this present occasion, do I have the freedom to give thanks? What I am doing right now, including just eating and drinking (1 Co 10:6-11), is it for the glory of God or not?

Now the apostle presents God’s ways toWard Israel in the wilderness as an instruction toward His ways toward us, declaring to the Corinthians that the things that have happened to Israel are types or figures who serve as an example to us. This is an important principle and must be clearly grasped in order to take advantage of it. It is not Israel that is the figure, but this is what happened to Israel; God’s ways toward him. Things happened to Israel; they were written for our instruction to us who find ourselves at the end of God’s dispensations. What will follow will be the judgment of God Himself, when these examples will no longer be used for the life of faith.

Then two principles are laid down which are also of great practical importance. First, the one who thinks he is standing must be careful that he does not fall (1 Co 10:12): this is our responsibility. Then, on the other hand, God is faithful, He does not allow us to be tempted beyond our strength, but He provides a way to escape temptation, so that we do not bronchi.

After that, in relation to idolatry, the apostle enjoins to have that holy fear that avoids what leads to evil, the opportunity for fall (1 Co 10:14). He puts forward this important principle: there is association and communion through the table where we participate in what is placed there; We Christians, being many, are only a bread and a body, as a participant in the same bread in the Last Supper (1 Co 10:16, 17). Those in Israel who ate sacrifices participated in the altar, were identified with him. Likewise those who ate what was sacrificed to idols, were identified with the idol to whom it was offered. Did the apostle mean, then, that the idol was something? No, but according to what is written in Deut 32, what the Gentiles offered, they offered to demons and not to God; But should the Christian participate in the table of demons? The table in which the worshippers of idols participated, was the table of demons, the cup, the cup of demons: an important principle for the Assembly of God. Would anyone want to provoke the Lord by putting him on the same level with demons? Here again the apostle alludes to Deut 32:21; then he repeats his principle, already established, that he was free with regard to everything, but adding that on the one hand, he would not place himself under the power of anything, and on the other, that being free, he would use his freedom for the spiritual benefit of all. To follow this rule, here is his teaching: one can eat from everything that is sold at the market, without question of conscience.

The following verses have been compiled for your edification and grouped together for your better understanding.

  • Path traced through the difficulties of life

Ex 14:16 You raise your rod, stretch out your hand over the sea, and split it; and the children of Israel will enter the middle of the dry sea. Ex 15:19 For Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and horsemen entered the sea, and the Lord brought upon them the waters of the sea; But the children of Israel walked dry in the middle of the sea. Jos 3:17 The priests who carried the ark of jehovah’s covenant stopped firmly on the dry, in the middle of the Jordan River, while all of Israel passed dry, until the whole nation had finished passing the Jordan. Pr 15:19 The path of the sloth is like a hedge of thorns, but the path of straight men is flattened. Isa 30:21 Your ears will hear behind you the voice that will say: This is the way, walk in it! Because you would go to the right, or you would go to the left. Isa 42:16 I will make the blind walk on a path they do not know, I will lead them by paths they do not know; I will change before them the darkness into light, and the tortuous places on the plain: This is what I will do, and I will not abandon them. Isa 43:16  Thus speaks the Lord, Who made a way in the sea, and in the mighty waters a path; Is 49:11  I will change all my mountains into paths, and my roads will be frayed.

  • Examples of Spiritual Instruction

1 S 9:27 When they came down to the end of the city, Samuel said to Saul, Tell your servant to pass before us. And the servant passed by. Stop now, Samuel resumed, and I will make you hear the word of God. 2 Kings 17:28 One of the priests who had been taken captive from Samaria came to bethel, and taught them how they should fear the Lord. 2 Ch 17:7 In the third year of his reign, he instructed his leaders Ben Hail, Obadiah, Zechariah, Nethaneel, and Micah to go and teach in the cities of Judah. Esd 7:10 For Ezra had applied his heart to study and practice the law of Jehovah, and to teach in the midst of Israel the laws and ordinances. Ne 8.7 Joshua, Bani, Sherebia, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodija, Maasaja, Kelitha, Azaria, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaja, and the Levites, explained the law to the people, and each remained in his place. Mt 5:2 Then, having opened his mouth, he taught them, and said; Lk 24:27 And, beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them in all the scriptures what concerned him. Acts 8:35 Then Philip, opening his mouth and beginning with this passage, told him the good news of Jesus. Acts 18:26 He began to speak freely in the synagogue. Aquila and Priscilla, having heard him, took him with them, and more accurately explained to him the way of God. Acts 28:23 They fixed a day for him, and many came to find him in his dwelling. Paul announced to them the kingdom of God, testifying, and seeking, through the law of Moses and the prophets, to persuade them of what concerns Jesus. The interview lasted from morning until evening.

  • Divine discontent because of sin

Nb 11:1 The people murmured and this displeased the Lord’s ears. When Jehovah heard him, his wrath was ignited; the fire of the Lord was lit among them, and devoured the end of the camp. Ps 2:5 Then He speaks to them in his anger, He frightens them in his fury; Ps 60:3 O God! you have repelled us, scattered us, You have irritated you: lift us up! Isa 59:15 The truth has disappeared, and he who departs from evil is stripped away. -The Lord sees, with an indignant gaze, that there is no more righteousness. Za 1:2,15 The Lord was very irritated against your fathers. 15 and I am seized with great irritation against the proud nations; for I was only slightly irritated, but they contributed to evil. Mk 10:14 Jesus, seeing this, was outraged, and said to them, Let the little children come to me, and do not prevent them from doing so; for the kingdom of God is for those who resemble them.

  • Warning against presumption

Nb 15:30 But if anyone, native or stranger, acts with his hand raised, he insults the Lord; he will be cut off from the midst of his people. Dt 6:16 You will not tempt jehovah, your God, as you tempted at Massa. Dt 18:20 But the prophet who has the audacity to say in my name a word that I have not commanded him to say, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet will be punished with death. Is 45:9 Woe to whom contests with its creator! -Vase among earthen vessels! -Does clay say to the one who shapes it: What are you doing? And your work: He has no hands? 1 Co 10:9 Let’s not tempt the Lord, as some of them tempted, who perished by the serpents. James 4:13
 To you now, who say: Today or tomorrow we will go to such a city, we will spend a year there, we will tamper, and we will win! 2 P 2:10 especially those who go after the flesh in a desire for impurity and despise authority. Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to insult the glories;

From all the above, we note that if someone said: “This was sacrificed to idols”, it was   proof that he was aware of an idol; in this case the Christian, free as he was, would therefore not eat what was thus presented to him, because of the conscience of the other. As for the one who was free, his freedom could not be judged by the conscience of the other, for as a doctrine and where there was knowledge, the apostle recognizes as truth that the idol was nothing; for  the creature was simply the creature of God. Then it is necessaryto avoid communion with what is false, especially in that which relates to communion with God himself; and instead of using my freedom, I will give up the freedom that the truth gives me, rather than hurt the weak conscience of others. Moreover, in all things, whether it is even just eating or drinking, says the apostle, one must seek the glory of God and do all things for this purpose. One must not, by using one’s freedom, scandalize either the Jew, the Greek, or the Assembly of God, following in this the example of the apostle who, self-sacrificing himself, sought to please all for their edification. Our prayers support you all in your efforts to walk with God.


I now invite every person who wants to become a new creation by walking in the truth, to pray with me the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I have long walked in the lusts of the world ignoring your love for humans. I admit to having sinned against you and ask your forgiveness for all my sins, because today I have decided to give you my life by taking you as Lord and personal Savior. I recognize that you died on the cross of Calvary and rose from the dead for me.

I am now saved and born again by the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me every day to the eternal life that you give to all who obey your Word. Reveal yourself to me and strengthen my heart and faith, so that your light may be shining in my life right now.

Thank you, Lord Jesus for accepting me into your divine family, so that I may also contemplate the wonders of your kingdom.

I will now choose a nearby watering point to baptize myself by immersion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

All adoration, power and glory are yours, now and forever and ever. Amen!

I would be happy to respond to any questions and comments you may have, before sharing with you tomorrow on “the dress of men and women according to the divine order”.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you abundantly.

David Feze, Servant of the Almighty God.

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